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A loud squeal brought me out of staring at the back of my locker.

I turned to see Charlize racing towards me. "You're back!" She shouted crushing me in a hug.

I shrugged nonchalantly when he released me. "I had some things to do." I said.

She placed her hands on her hips. "Things that took you two months?!"

I nodded and pulled out my books. "Have you uhh..."

"Seen Leo?" She finished raising her eyebrows at me. I nodded mutely. "Yeah. But, you really changed him."

"How?" I asked frowning.

We began walking in the direction of our first period. "I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or not, but once you disappeared, he literally sank into a hole." She informed me in a hushed voice.

"Really?" I asked.

"Some days he doesn't even come to school. And he constantly asks me if I've talked to you." She glared at me then. "I would also like to know why you ignored me for two months and think you can just come back here and act like nothing happened." She said crossly

I stopped outside of the calculus room. "I had to go to Australia. My mother got really sick and I went to take care of her so she could move back here." I said unable to stop the smile that spread across my face. It was still hard to believe she was home.

Charlize smiled at me. "That's so great that your mothers home. I can't wait to meet her."

My face fell, but I immediately recovered and shrugged. "She doesn't really like company but maybe one day." I said airily.

She shrugged and grabbed my wrist pulling me to the door. I literally dug my heels into the floor stopping her.

Charlize gave me an exasperated look. "Don't be scared. He'll be happy to see you." She tried to assure me. "Come on. You have to face him sooner or this case, sooner than later." She added, pulling on my arm again.

I laughed rolling my eyes and finally allowed her to drag me inside just as the bell rang.

"Ladies," Mr. Touche greeted. "It's nice of you to join us again Estelle." He said handing me a thick packet. "All the work you missed."

"Yay." I deadpanned.

"That's the spirit." He chirped.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to my seat making sure not to look at Leo. I wasn't ready to see his expression.

I looked down intently at the packet as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

Mr. Touche began taking attendance, as I pulled out my notebook, a ball of paper rolled onto my desk.

I looked at Leo by instinct, he was the only one that would ever send me messages.

He didn't look at me though, or make any sign that he'd thrown the paper. I picked it up and opened it.

What brings you here? And why are you scared to look at me? Scared to see what you've done?

I looked at Leo again, he still wouldn't meet my eye so I took out a pencil and started writing.

That's not true. I am sorry, something came up. Can't we just talk about it?

I waited until the teacher turned to write on the board before I threw it back. I heard him opening it and then the paper was back, only a few seconds later.

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