You can't touch this

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"Hi Estelle." I turned to see one of Rhee's friends walking towards me in the hallway. She gave me a huge smile. "I think it's so cool how you stand up to Rhee all the time. She is such a pain."

I shrugged. "I just don't like being ordered around." I said. "Why don't you just stop talking to her?" I asked.

"It's not that easy. Without her, I'm basically nothing. Hardly anyone even knows my name." Her eyes widened. "Can I sit with you?" She asked hopefully. "I know it's sudden and we just met but like, I feel like you're better company and I think Raevyn would get a real kick out of it. Sh-"

"You can sit with me." I said interrupting her rambling. I smiled. "I would save anybody from her." I said as we continued to the lunchroom.

"Honestly Estelle, I like your style. You're different and you stand out. I think it's great." She said.


Her eyes widened. "Sorry. My name is Reinice."

We got into the lunch line, entree today was baked ziti, one of my favorites. Reinice hesitantly followed me to my table. Charlize was already seated. She looked up at me in confusion.

"Hey guys," I said sitting. "This is Reinice. She-" I looked up with my mouth still open as Raevyns other friend came over, followed by Leo and a few other people from that table.

"Well this is different." I said once everyone sat down.

Leo smiled at me encouragingly as he approached. He squeezed in next to me making Charlize scoot over. "Hey partner." He greeted. "You know what you just did? You caused world war 1." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't do anything. You people are the crazy ones who came over here."

He smiled. "Well, actually, there's another reason I came over here." He moved our trays out of the way and then proceeded to climb on top of the table.

The loud chatter that began from everyone moving to my table ceased. Everyone was now staring up at Leo.

He was only looking at me though. "Estelle Sylvester. You are the boldest girl I've ever met. And also the only girl who hasn't attempted to kiss my feet." He added looking in Raevyns direction. He smiled down at me. "Will you go to winter formal with me?" He asked.

I stared up at him in shock. My plan was actually working. I didn't think it really would. I had just been going with the flow.

But this was so unexpected. I didn't think he would want to go with me of all people. I already had a date and if I canceled on Brandyn to go with Leo, I knew Brandyn would never forgive me.

"Thanks for the offer Leo." I said. "But...I already have a date."

His face fell. "You have a date?" He clarified.

I gave him a small smile. "I'm sorry."

Loud applause erupted from behind me. I turned to see Raevyns table was standing and clapping. Raevyn and Iyanla began approaching us.

"What a great performance Leo." Raevyn said snidely. "Wasn't it great Yannie?" She asked Iyanla.

"Almost believable." She replied, looking at me with disgust. "So, who's your date?" She asked me. I had never heard Iyanla speak to anyone like that before. It was weird and upsetting.

I stood in front of her. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said raising my eyebrows at her.

She leaned closer to my face. "Try me loser. I want to know who the unfortunate guy is."

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