You can't keep Manny

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I gasped and some of the milk began to seep into my mouth. I closed it quickly and wiped my eyes glaring at the smirking boy in front of me.

He raised his eyebrows at me as if I was going to tell him off. I wasn't even going to get him back. I simply took my napkin, wiped my face off and turned back around, going right back to my chicken nuggets.

"What?" He said from behind me. "You're not gonna do anything?"

I turned. "What? Get you back so that everyone can start a food fight and then we get in trouble and earn a weeks worth of detention scrubbing these tables? Or let me make this simple, quality time with you? No thanks. I'd rather throw up my food then eat it again."

He gave me a disgusted look. I flashed him a smile then turned back around. I could still feel his presence behind me. "Will you quit stalking my backside?" I snapped without turning around.

I finally heard him stalking away. Charlize looked at me in amazement. "You are truly one of a kind." She said shaking her head.

Luckily, I didn't have any afternoon classes with Leo so I didn't encounter him anymore. My last period was gym, Raevyn and Charlize were both in that class. As well as Koby who informed me that it was his sixth time taking gym. And he hadn't ever failed, he just loved the class which I found weird and gross.

Today was Friday and apparently it wasn't just any Friday. It was Dodgeball Friday. I made a mental note to stay home sick every Friday.

I tried to stay in the back at first but then Raevyn decided that she still wanted to cast her wrath on me.

I wasn't afraid of dodgeball, Mitch and I used to play our own dodgeball at home so I was a pro.

"Don't mess with me Rae." I said. "I'll mess up that pretty little nose of yours." I warned.

She scoffed at me and readied her ball. I dodged an attack from one of her teammates then aimed my ball.

I got out. She caught the ball but only because I knocked the wind out of her. The ball plunged into her stomach as she gasped for air falling to the ground with the ball in her hands.

Everyone began running to her. Her face was red and she was glaring at me. I just shrugged and moved to the bench where the rest of my team was.

Mr. Greene, our gym teacher wasn't a big fan of Raevyn so I didn't get into any trouble but she did complain a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire school knew by the end of the class period.

I changed out of my gym clothes and then took a quick shower. I was one of the last ones out of the gym. I walked quickly to my car because I didn't want anyone else to see that it was mine.

So much for that. When I got the the side of the parking lot where I parked, at first I thought my car was gone. But then a gap in the crowd showed me a glimpse of my car.

I huffed and began shoving my way through the group of boys. "Can you guys shoo?" I asked irritated.

They ogled me. Someone stepped forward. It was none other than, Leo. "This is your car?" He asked incredulously. "This is a brand new Audi Le Mans Concept!"

Another guy stepped up. "This thing is like five million dollars!" He exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. "I know what type of car it is. I bought it." I said annoyed.

Leo's eyes widened. "You bought this?!" My eyes widened. I froze. 

"I meant my parents did. They let me pick." I said quickly.

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