Her secret

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After a day deep in the water, we walked to a nearby restaurant for dinner. We were at an Asian cuisine, by request of Stephanie.

"So Holden," I said at the table. "What did you do before you came to work for my mother?" I asked.

He smiled at me and leaned his head on his hands. "I was a real estate agent."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "And you quit that to become a chef? In somebody's home?" I asked incredulously.

"Hey Rhee," Brandyn piped up. "Do you want to try this bubble tea? It's amazing."

I ignored him and stared at Holden awaiting his answer.

"Let's not make Holden uncomfortable." My mother suggested. "Maybe he just lost his interest in real estate."

I rolled my eyes. "Stephanie, why don't you tell us how your modeling is coming." I suggested to change the conversation.

"Actually, I'm going to school to be a fashion designer," Stephanie announced. I'd already had this conversation with her, so I tuned everyone out and had a dinner date with my food.

When we arrived home, I was exhausted so while everyone else watched some movie, I went upstairs to sleep. It was only eight o'clock, and I knew I would be up in the middle of the night, but my head was pounding and the bed was so soft, I couldn't help it.

It was early morning in California so I knew I couldn't call Leo yet, I decided to go to sleep and when I woke up later, I would call him.


As I predicted, I awoke around two in the morning feeling suddenly hungry, I wrapped my bathrobe around myself and tiptoed downstairs.

I retrieved a pack of cookies from the pantry and one of those mini bottles of milk and headed back to my room. On my way to my room though, I passed my mothers large stack of mail. She was always so lousy about taking care of her bills, I sighed ad set my food down. I began to go through the stack to make sure she didn't have anything due too soon. 

As I was rummaging through the letters, my eyes landed on a shiny corner. Curious, I slipped the thick paper out from underneath the pile and inspected it. It fluttered out of my fingers, as my eyes began to burn. I didn't believe it at first, but there the letters were shining up at me, as if mocking me.

The pleasure of your company has been requested at the union of 


I stared at the invitation, it was taunting me from its spot on the floor. I didn't move until a fat tear plopped onto it breaking me out of my trance.

I shook my head trying to wake myself up from the nightmare that was becoming my life.

I slumped to the floor as the tears continued to spill down my cheeks, this was what my father had been upset about. His despair made my discovery even more heartbreaking.

I didn't know how long I sat there staring at the floor, I wasn't only upset that she'd gotten over my father, I was upset that she didn't find it something significant enough to tell me. She'd lied to me about it, and now I knew that had been what Brandyn was upset about at breakfast.

A noise some time later made me look up, I saw a shadow pass me and immediately recognized it as Holden. 

"Where are you going?" I asked. My voice came out faint and cracked from lack of use. 

He turned with a start and looked at me in surprise. "What are you doing down here Rhee?"

I glared at him, "you're a liar." I accused angrily. My voice sounded childish and defeated but I couldn't care less.

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