I'm Sorry

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While on the outside it appeared that this was just a large apartment block, once we walked in it became clear that the gang that had kidnapped me owned the whole place and it had been done over quite nicely.

This was not just a stop over, and it became clear to me that I couldn't trust everything they said to me.
As I walked around on the ground floor I passed a clock. It was now late evening.

With everything that had gone on it felt like I had been a week instead of just one day, just this morning I had been held hostage in my own classroom.
Ryder came over to me and graciously offered me his hand, bowing like a true gentleman and giving me the urge to curtsey.

But instead of curtsying and taking his hand I turned up my nose and started to walk off in the opposite direction.
He let out a growl from behind me and grabbed my arm, effectively spinning me around and into his embrace whereupon he buried his head into my shoulder.

"Why must you always defy me?"

His question was but a whisper in my ear as he inhaled appreciatively. It was only then that I realised I had been wearing his jumper all this time.
"This is your jumper isn't it?" I asked, a hint of malice creeping into my voice but hopefully avoiding detection.

"It is beautiful, and it looks good on you. Besides.." he started with a small wink in my direction, "now you smell like me."

"Posessive much" I scoffed at him, he pulled away slightly and for a second his face changed into one similar to remorse before pulling me close again. "I have to be, you have no idea."

"Come, I'll show you your room."


My room was simple in comparison to the rest of the building. Its plain whitewashed walls hinted that I was the first to use it.
In the centre of the room was a queen size four poster bed with a bedside table next to it.

The click of the door signalled I had indeed been locked in my room and not knowing how long it would be before I got more company I decided to make myself comfortable.
With a running leap I launched myself onto my bed... and straight off the other side, landing with a painful 'thump' on the wooden floor.

I blushed a deep shade of red and winced when I tried to lift myself from my position on the floor.
Great, now I was going to have a bruised buttocks. With the aid of my incredible arm strength from lifting all those grocery bags from the car to the house in one trip, I pulled myself up off the floor.

Just as I sat myself on the far side of the bed the door creaked open and I twisted myself around to see who it was.

Ryder, obviously.

In one hand he was holding a pair of large trackies and another hoodie, in the other hand what looked like a shopping bag.
"We are staying the night here, I thought you might like something comfier to sleep in" he said and looked down as if he was embarrassed by showing kindness to his hostage.

I slowly walked over to him, still greatly aware of the throbbing pain coming from my tail bone.
I took the clothes from his hand and spun around, looking for somewhere I could change. In the far corner of the room I saw a bathroom and I hurried into it, making sure to lock the door behind me.


Once I was changed I walked back out into my room holding my bundle of clothes with my bra shoved right in the middle to avoid embarrassment. I cannot sleep in my bra and besides the hoodie was baggy enough.

Ryder was still in the room, sitting on my bed, obviously waiting for me. Walking over to him I dropped my clothes down still in a ball by the bedside table.

On an impulse I sat down on the bed next to him and crossed my legs indian style.

"I am sorry to have to do this to you" I looked up and turned slightly to face him, "what do you mean?"
Standing up he started pacing my the side of my bed, my nervousness and curiosity increasing with every second that passed.

"I have to make sure you don't escape, you have to understand" I was mute, I didn't know what to say and was utterly confused.

Then before I even had a chance to protest he walked over to me, grabbed one of my ankles and pulled it out straight and towards the bedpost.
I kicked out with my other foot but he caught it before I could hit him, he was now holding both of my ankles.

I went into full panic mode, sitting up and lashing out with my arms and wiggling and squirming around.
Lifting his leg up and over me Ryder was now straddling me but facing my feet.

There was a faint rustling sound before I felt cold metal wrapping around my ankle and tightening. Then it was pulled away from me and I heard a clink sound against the wood of the bedpost.

He turned to face me, taking both my wrists in his hand and using the other to wipe the tears from my cheek which I hadn't even realised was there.
It seemed no matter how hard I fought everything always went wrong, like the world was against me.

Without another word being spoken from either of us he suddenly got up and left the room slamming the door shut. He was acting like he was angry, was he angry with me? Himself?

I looked down at my feet, he had chained my ankle to the bedpost. The chain leading off of it was long enough the I could stand but not long enough that I could leave the bed.

The more I pulled at it the more it rubbed into my skin, leaving angry red marks. I sat up and began fiddling with the lock, even fishing an almost forgotten bobby pin out of my hair to try and pick the lock.

But to no avail. I was stuck.

Eventually I gave up, laying back on the bed and snuggling into my pillow I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

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