"Hello, 911!"

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As soon as I pulled out my phone I watched as the reactions of my peers varied tremendously.
While some looked excited at the prospect of an escape many looked as though they would rather stay on the good side of their captors.
Checking my phone I groaned loudly before clapping my hand over my mouth and looking around cautiously.

No signal

"How does that even work?"

"What is that?" Charlie asked and I realised that I had said it out loud. "There is no signal in here!"

"Maybe they are blocking it?" She suggested and I nodded my head in appreciation at her point. That knowledge wasn't going to help me though.
"What's the time?" someone asked from across our 'holding cell'. The bright light lit up our confines once more before I replied.


"That means we have been in here for over an hour now" somebody else groaned and gradually the volume in the room increased as everybody started groaning and complaining.

"Ssssh" I hissed out and surprisingly everybody stopped and listened to me. "I can make an emergency call to the police and maybe they can track it and get us out of here."

At this new piece of information the clamour rose all over again. "Ssssh!" I hissed again "if this is going to work I need you all to be quiet and keep an ear out for anybody approaching, ok?"

Several heads nodded and that was all I needed. Pulling my phone out I tried to ignore my heart which was pounding fast enough I felt certain it would fly out of my chest.
If I stuffed this up we would probably never get out of here.

Doing a double take around the room I pulled my phone out for the last time and dialled 911.
For the first few seconds there was nothing and then there was the dial tone. It rung through once and was starting for the second time when the door of the room burst open.

Three of them were standing there as the leader shoved his way through with his gun out. As soon his gaze found me his eyes narrowed and without speaking a word he pointed the gun at Charlie.

I froze.

"Hello 911..."

The leader motioned with the gun towards Charlie again before moving and landing on someone else. I understood his threat perfectly well.

I hung up.

As soon as the phone was down the three guys stormed into the room, shoving through everybody who was sitting on the floor.
Once they got to me they bent down and pulled me up by my arms before dragging me out of the room.

On the way out I received many different looks, some were scared, others angry, some looked with pity.
Now what?

As soon as we were out of the room I was firmly pushed down into my knees on the floor and the two men stood behind me while the leader paced backwards and forwards in front of me.

"You don't want to mess with me..."

"Is that a threat or a challenge?"

The Gangleader Claimed MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon