Death Warrant

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Later that night I woke up to screams coming from the guest bedroom. It only lasted a couple of seconds before the noise subsided and quiet,  muffled sobs were all that could be heard.

I sprinted out from my bedroom, passing the two guards in the hallway. They were both passed out on either side of her door.
I would deal with their incompetence later, right now I had to get to Hunter.

Bursting through the door to the room we had put her in I found her curled in a ball on the floor, with her bound leg half on the bed.

Rushing over I gently took  the chain off of her leg before picking her up in my arms, bridle style and placing her back onto the bed.

She was still sobbing quietly but with just one look I could tell that she was still asleep.


I whispered gently, as I tried to rouse her from whatever nightmare was tormenting her.


With a gasp she woke up and sat up, almost knocking her head into mine. Without meeting her eyes I gently pushed her hair out of her face.

As if trying to work out what was going on she rubbed her  eyes tiredly before slumping back down onto her pillow.

"Why are you here?" her soft voice broke the silence of the room.

"I heard you scream and had to make sure you were okay"

She scrunched up her nose as she stared at me and got the feeling as if she was  trying to read into me. It was an unnerving experience but I didn't once avert my eyes.

Eventually she looked down and started playing with her hands in her lap. "It was just  dream" she said, but the way she said it made me think that she was directing it more towards herself than me.

"Come on, lets get you some breakfast shall we?" I asked, stepping away and offering her a hand up.
To my surprise she accepted, grabbing my hand and standing gracefully up.


Whatever was in her dream must have really scared her, to make her act this way and accept my help without any complaints.
I had to keep reminding myself not to let myself get caught up in her, or everything would be all for waste.

After all, it would never work out. Getting too attached could just sign my death sentence if anybody found out.

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