Web of lies

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Hunters POV

"Hello precious," the sickly sweet voice whispered into my ear. I tried to move but was in some way restrained.

As the person moved into the the light I could see that the figure resembled my father, the way I remembered him. Before he left us.

Only this figure was different, his eyes glowed a bright red and he held a gun in his hand which hung by his side.

It was as if someone had taken the memory I had of my father and distorted it, turning it into something evil.
It took me a while but eventually I realised he wasn't talking to me. In the corner of my field of view I could see another figure.

This one was smaller and curled in a ball, the shadow on the wall indicated that it was a woman.

"Why must you always defy me?" The first figure asked of the second. No sounds were heard except for the I distinct whimpering coming from the woman.

"All I wanted was a son, and yet you seem to be incapable of such a task. Instead all I get is a weak daughter that will in no way help me to claim what is truly mine!"

He stalked over towards the smaller figure, his shadow overpowering the smaller one significantly.

I felt myself next to the woman, looking up at the man staring down at us from a height and began shaking.
Normally I would be kicking myself for being scared, but there was an aura about him that rendered me incapable of anything.

I was shaken awake, once I opened my eyes and could see properly I realised I was on the floor. Above me was Ryder, he had a worried look in his eyes as his eyes ran up and down me, as if looking for signs of harm.

Wait, worried? That's not right.

"Why are you here?" I asked quietly while rubbing my eyes and trying to appear more awake.

"I heard you scream and had to make sure you were okay"

Damnit. Why did this have to happen? I looked down, embarrassed, by his statement.

"It was just a dream" I told him, but the way I said it I realised I was trying to reassure myself as much as him. So I returned to playing with my hands in my lap, wishing he would just leave already.

"Come on, lets get you some breakfast shall we?"

His voice shook me from my thoughts. Surprisingly I found myself accepting his invitation and taking his hand to help me up.

"Thankyou" I said, before walking out ahead of him and down the stairs to where I believed the kitchen was.


I was sitting in the kitchen when I heard voices in the room next to me. There was about four different voices I could identify.

Quietly, I rose from my seat at the table and tiptoed to the door where I could listen in on their conversation and hopefully not be seen.

"What is she doing here?" one voice spoke out, from my position I could hear them loud and clear but was unable to see who was talking.

"Yeah boss, whys she here? We all know you didn't claim her for real or you would have already branded her and she'd be part of the gang!"

For a moment there was silence, and I thought I had been discovered. But then the distinct voice of Ryder spoke out and my heart slowed down again.

"You're right, it's all just a cover. In actually fact, this whole ruse was set up in the hopes of protecting her."

Muffled voices all talking at once was all I could hear until they were quietened once more and a single voice spoke out the question they were all wondering.

"Who are we protecting her from? And why?"

I held my breath in anticipation as I waited for the answer. My mind was spinning, as I struggled to find my own solution to the web of lies I had entangled myself in.

"I owed her father a debt, he asked me to protect her from Xavier Black!"

My father? But he abandoned our family, I hadn't seen him since I was three. And who was this Xavier Black, and why did I need to be protected from him? And then why did they kidnap me?

The answer I got only created more questions. I heard the gang stand up and start to head towards me.

I quickly sat down and tried to pretend like my whole world wasn't crumbling around me in a confusing and headache worthy mess!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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