Subsitute Teacher

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First break came around faster than I was hoping and before I knew it I was stuck in a plain old classroom getting ready to be inflicted with the torture that is maths.
I dumped my bag onto my table with a loud thud that echoed around the classroom, "geez, calm down!"

I spun around to face the offender, it was Alex, of course. Schools bad boy, player, football jock, your cliche popular chick magnet. Even though he had only been here a couple of weeks he already had a reputation.

I rolled my eyes not caring if he saw and then flipped him off before calmly sitting down in my seat.
Even with my headphones now firmly in my ears I could hear the shock rolling over the class at what they had just witnessed. I grinned to myself, take that you arrogant good for nothing...*%&#.

Many minutes later the door was opened and a young man with a visitors tag around his neck walked in and stood in front of the class.

"Good morning class, my name is Mr Blyth and I will be your substitute teacher for today."

As he introduced himself I got an evil grin on my face, and turning to face the rest of the class I could tell we were all thinking the same thing.

He wouldn't last one lesson...


While my devious plans began running through my head, he prepared to start the lesson. He fluffed around for ages trying to find markers and paper and then realised that he had left his paperwork in the office.

"Class, please sit still until I return. I will be back in a minute."

Perfect, I thought. Now it is time to get my plan underway, operation scare the sub has begun. In my head I let out a maliciously evil laugh but looked incredibly passive from the outside.

"You may use your phones if you would like while I am gone."

Wait. What did he just say?

Great, now this is never going to work. Sighing deeply I started to rummage through my bag to find my phone, as I had already given up on the idea of rebelling against the teacher.
I knew I could never convince my class to scare off the only nice sub we have had all year. Oh well, maybe next time...

My phone was not in my bag, I could have sworn I only just had it. Where could I have put it?

Bag? Nope

Pocket? Nope

On chair? Nope

Bra? Nope


It was at that moment the door creaked and the sub walked back in again so I gave up. Placing my feet on my desk and leaning back in my chair I decided to fake being asleep, since I couldn't do anything else.

I could hear our teacher shuffling across to his desk, accompanied with the whispers of the class.
A loud bang echoed across the classroom and in my surprise I sat up immediately, almost falling backwards off of my chair.
Chuckles could be heard from the people either side of me and I just glared at them before looking down and trying to hide the blush creeping across my cheeks, I was such an idiot.

A small cardboard shoebox was being passed around the classroom. "Class, please put your phones into the box before we start the lesson" our teacher said. "If we finish early you may have them back at the end for a time."

When the box reached me I futilely searched all the same places again with no success and shrugged my shoulders before passing the box on to the next person in my row.

Once the teacher had counted the phones and placed the box inside the lock cupboard he turned to face us again.
"Thankyou, you are such good little munchkins" Munchkins? Who even says that anymore? I stared strangely at the teacher, as if trying to figure him out.

"Now class, please stand and line up facing the wall at the back of the classroom." Nobody moved, everybody just looked at the teacher blankly.

I could have sworn I heard him groan under his breath before reaching to his hip and pulling out a gun. This was when the panic started.

"I said, everybody line up facing the wall at the back. NOW!" He said, ending up pointing the gun at the front of my head in a scare tactic.
I will not lie, my heart stopped. Staring at the young mans brown eyes, softly tousled hair and well built chest all I could wonder was how did he get into this?

Around me the entire class was moving as fast as they could to get to the back and I sat frozen where I was.
Slowly, and watching the mans reaction I carefully stood up with the gun following my every move.
Once I was a couple of steps back from my desk I struck.

Lifting my arm up in a slight fist I watched in satisfaction as his gaze and the gun followed it.
Under his line of vision I raised my left leg in a roundhouse kick. Before he had the chance to realise I had kicked the gun out of his grasp and sent it skittering across the classroom.

Diving over the table and landing hard on my back before completing the roll and getting up, I raced for the gun.
Behind me I felt a hand reach out and grasp my ankle as I was crawling the last couple of feet.

Twisting my foot around I kicked the person, allowing myself a small grin as I heard their groan of pain behind me.


I grabbed the gun in my hands and stood up, the cold metal and the weight put into reality the harshness of the situation.
Releasing the safety, I located the substitute teacher and aimed at him. "Let us go!"

Their was no escaping the harshness in my tone, I had to show him I meant business and wasn't some prissy girl that couldn't fire a gun.
Another click was heard behind my head and before I could turn around I felt the cold barrel of a gun being shoved into my back.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you princess."

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