You belong to me now

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Over the course of the next half an hour Ryder and his 'gang' released seven more out of the class of 25, leaving me and 17 others behind.
I was still cuffed to Ryder who was lounging around in the teachers chair. His right arm was snug around my waist and his head was resting on my shoulder.

I cannot honestly say I was uncomfortable but I wasn't entirely comfortable either. "Ryder? When am I going to call my parents?" I asked and he let out a low growl but ignored me.

Sitting up straighter and turning to face him as much as I could while on his lap i asked again. "When can I call my parents?"

This time he opened his eyes and looking straight at me said "you can't."
"What do you mean I can't?" I spat back at him, "I meant exactly what I said, you can't call your parents."

"Why the hell not?"

"Shut up already damnit, you're so annoying." He retorted and I stood up trying my best to cross my arms.
"I need the bathroom" I said, trying not to sound too bossy or whiny. He groaned before taking out a key and unlocking the handcuffs.

"Evans" he called out to the tall, blonde boy who had let Charlie go, "escort Miss Kelley here to the bathroom, make sure she doesn't escape!"

His hand latched firmly onto my own before dragging me from the classroom and out into the deserted hallway.
I struggled to keep up with his long strides and felt myself having to almost run to keep up with him.

Once we reached the bathroom he walked in with me before shoving me into a stall and shutting the door, "hurry up!"
Not even bothering to complain about privacy to my 'bodyguard' I used my precious seconds to think of a plan of attack.

Luckily for me the builders had stuffed up when constructing the bathroom doors, instead of opening inwards they opened outwards and I was more or less sure Evans was right outside the door.

Standing up as quietly as I could I unlocked the door and then took a step back and lined up.
Raising my foot I kicked the door as hard as I could, sending it flying open. I heard a loud cry of pain as it slammed into him and I smiled in satisfaction before sprinting from the bathroom and back into the hallway.

Now what?

Behind me I could hear the thudding of footsteps and I took off running again.
I needed to somehow get a message out without them realising I had, therefore not compromising the safety of my classmates.

Turning the corner I saw an empty art room that was rarely ever used. I bolted in and closed the door before trying to find the supply cupboards in the dark.

Bingo! Paper, markers and sticky tape. My plan was now underway.

On the paper I wrote in bold everything I thought they would need to know, class room, number of gang members, and the names I knew.

Phase two was slightly harder, I had to put it somewhere were it would be found during lunch break but wouldn't be too obvious.
Then I got a sudden spark of inspiration, hurriedly I folded it into a paper plane. It was less obvious and not suspicious.

After making sure the way was clear I ran to the edge of the lunchroom and launched the plane into the middle of it.
There was nothing else I could do now except get as far away as possible before letting myself get caught again.

Why would I intentionally get caught again you may ask, well if they thought they had stopped me before I got the word out they would be less likely to be suspicious and hopefully wouldn't think anything less of it.
I would still put up a fight though, after all that's half the fun of it. Besides, I'm going to be in trouble with Ryder anyway. Why not make it worth it...?


I had been jogging through the halls for the last two minutes now, trying to be as loud as possible.
There had been no signs of anybody though, until now. "There she is!"

I heard the cry come from behind and I whirled around. Behind me was Evans and another one of Ryder's lackeys.
Great, there was two of them. I purposely hesitated before running off in the opposite direction.

How was I going to make this look legitimate? I could trip but how cliche is that, seriously. What if I 'try' to hide but they find me anyway..?
Think Hunter think!!

Luckily, or unluckily for me I didn't have to think about it anymore, because at the other end of the corridor another gang member appeared and I was cornered.
I felt like a deer cornered in the spotlight of a large truck.

"You are sooo dead" the guy in front of me cackled and I looked around frantically, keeping up the act.
As they closed in on me I tried to shrink into the corner by the lockers thinking it would be easier to defend.

Soon all three guys surrounded me blocking any hope of escape. Just before my ship sank I had one last trick up my sleeve.
Bracing myself against the wall I swung both of my legs up in an instant and kicked with as much might as I could muster in that instant.

I managed to hit one of the guys in the nose, sending him tumbling to the floor but the other guy grabbed my ankle bringing me crashing down to the floor.

How is nobody hearing this racket? I wondered to myself. Ryder's gang must have been thinking the same thing as they hurriedly pulled me up and marched me back to the classroom we were being held hostage in.

I struggled about wildly in their arms and then almost fell over as they suddenly let go of me and pushed me forwards into the room.
"That was quite a fight you were putting up there" Ryder said, stalking towards me with a deadly glint in his brown flecked eyes.

"Care to inform me why I had to send two more of my men out after you?" I shook my head and started to back up and away from his figure.
"You have caused me a great deal of trouble you know" he continued, his pace never changing as he got gradually closer and closer.

As he was about to block my exit and trap me against the wall I scooted to the side and tried to make a break for it.
I was quickly stopped as he grabbed my arm and twisted it in such a fashion that I ended up on my knees on the floor.

Then, as if to show his dominance over me in the situation he shoved me with his foot, with just enough force to cause me to fall onto the floor.
Within a second he was straddling me, one hand holding my arms together above my head and the other on my hips forcing them down onto the ground. I bucked and squirmed but to no avail.

Dipping his head down he breathed ever so slightly over my neck causing me to shiver. "What should I do with you?"

"My men would like to kill you for your impudence, while I rather like your fire" I didn't know what to make of what he was saying.

"You want to know why I wouldn't let you call your parents?" he asked me with a glint in his eye that made me worried. Then, with a glance at his gang who were now circled around us he spoke again.

"I claim you. You are now mine, mine to keep, you belong to me, nobody else!"

His voice sounded like a combination of anger, possessiveness and dominance.

I started shaking, what was going on? What did he mean? I shut my eyes momentarily trying to take it all in.
Once I had steadied my breathing I opened my eyes again to see Evans passing a needle to Ryder. My hands were still above my head but with my hip free I started to move around again trying to get free.

"Ssshh" he whispered into my ear as he pressed the needle to the side of my neck.

As my world slowly went black the last thing I heard was Ryder's deep voice saying "you are mine now Hunter Kelley"

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