Normal Morning...?

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As far as I knew when I woke up this morning, it was just going to be a normal day at school.
My alarm had woken me up like normal, rousing me from my stupor and putting a scowl on my face as I looked at the time. 6:15am. Way to early for civil people.
I had gotten up and showered as normal, relishing the feeling of the hot water pounding on my back, releasing all of my tension. Like normal I hopped out dried off my hair and started to get dressed. 

Getting dressed consisted of emptying out half of my cupboards to find something suitable to wear, like normal. Eventually I decided on my black skinny jeans, a nice top and my trusty converse.
It was when I reached the kitchen that I realised my day would not be normal, in fact far from it. As I jumped off of the last step and landed on the floor I heard the boom of thunder as it started to rain.

My face fell, where was my beautiful sunny weather? Despondently I trudged into the kitchen and grabbed a muesli bar to eat on my way to school.
By the looks of things my mum had already left for work as her keys were no longer on the hook. I sighed, I never really saw my mum anymore as she was always working, especially after dad left.

Swinging the door shut behind me on the empty, lonely house I sighed in relief before swinging my bag over my shoulder and heading to my car.

The drive to school was far from quiet though, with the rain battering down on my car and my music blaring out through the sub woofer in the boot.
Gradually my mood picked up as I sang along to my favourite songs at the top of my lungs.
Weaving through the traffic, I grinned every time some grumpy person flipped me off while I overtook them.

Maybe my day wouldn't be so bad after all.


Scrap my last statement, why did I even bother coming to school today? It was obviously a bad idea.
Becky came and met me at my locker almost as soon as I passed through the school gate, teeming with the latest gossip. And it didn't bode well for me.
"You remember when you got into a fight with the football captain?" she asked excitedly, looking like a chipmunk on caffeine. "Yep" I groaned, not liking where this was going.
"And he was like spitting blood and smoke was practically coming out of his ears as he stormed off the field plotting his revenge?"
Nodding my head I signalled for her to continue and put me out of my misery. "Well..." she dragged out looking at me with a cheeky glint in her eye.

"You see..." The drone of the bell cut her off mid sentence and I was unable to hear what she was trying to tell me. Within two seconds the hall was crowded with seniors streaming off to their various classes and I lost her.
"Darn" I muttered under my breath with fists clenched by my sides, now I had to wait until lunch to hear what she had to say. Just my luck...

Luckily for me first lesson of the day was gym, ducking into the change rooms I was greeted with the loud chatter of the other girls in my class.
"Sup girl?" they cooed, almost in synchronisation pretending to be the stereotypical white girl.
"You guys are idiots" I told them bluntly, but was unable to help the grin that spread across my face. Walking further in I reached my locker and began to get changed into my uniform.
At that moment a teacher opened the door and stuck his head in. "Hurry up you miserable excuses for boys, I want you in the gym in one minute!" Squeals erupted from all corners of the change rooms as all of the girls reached for tops and towels to cover themselves.
I could have sworn I saw the teacher blush as he quickly pulled his head back through the door mumbling apologies the whole way out. Even after he was gone the silence was so loud it was overwhelming.

I looked around and could see many girls still in shock whilst others were trying their best to hold their laughter in. Eventually one girl couldn't stop it anymore and burst out with laughter.
Soon everybody joined in as the infectious laughter spread.

"Oh my gosh did you see his face?" one girl asked, "he must be new here" another replied.

"Did you see how cute he was?"

This last question was met with an overwhelmingly loud agreement from the entire female population of the change rooms. I just groaned, I mean really people..?

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