Moonlight and Motorbikes

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"Its okay" he said "You'll soon be reunited with Ryder..."

"It was all part of the plan"

Unconsciously I started to shake at his words, I could see my freedom being stolen from right in front of me.

In my mind I could see his handsome brown eyes piercing straight into my eyes, his strong, muscly arms reaching down and picking me up and whispering sweet nothings into my ear.
But then I saw the gun, the ways his eyes hooded over when he was mad and his gang surrounding him.

"Told you I would always find you"

His sweet whisper aroused me from my day dream and I realised that the car had stopped on the side of the road and Ryder was leaning in my window.
I stared right through him, defiant to the end.

"I will take her from here" he said to the driver before grabbing my hand and pulling me gently from the car.
I took in my surroundings as I let him lead me off. We were in a big forest, large trees rose up on either side of the road and there was a certain peace about the place, the moonlight drifted through the trees.

All of a sudden we stopped, in front of us was a beautiful motorbike. "Get on" he gruffly ordered me.
Deciding to comply I gracefully swung my leg up and over the back of the bike to sit comfortably on the drivers seat.

"You're riding bitch" he told me and I huffed, this brought a slight smirk to his face before it disappeared, leaving the same blakn stare that I had grown used to over the last day.

Eyeing him once over I found no sign of the gun that used to hang on his belt. Hopping off of the bike I turned to move onto the passenger seat, as soon as he turned his back on me to grab his helmet I took off.

"Hunter! Get back here right now!"

I heard his yells behind me but was not prepared for what I heard next. While I was running through the trees I heard the roar of an engine, he was chasing me on his motorbike.

Ahead of me I could see the rangers house and the park reception, seeing a break I dashed into the building and hid in the changing room at the back of the store.
For a minute all was quiet, I had received a few odd looks as I raced into the building but it seemed as though everybody had gone back to what they were doing.

I slowly caught my breath and my heart rate lowered until I was breathing like a normal person.
Why wouldn't he leave me alone? I didn't know anything, but he had claimed me. Maybe that had something to do with it.


Screams from outside the door roused me, I must have fallen asleep in the change rooms.

"Where is she?" a male voice roared, raw with anger. Ryder! I held my breath and didn't move a muscle.

"I said where is she?" Shit, what was going on out there?

A gunshot, more screams

"Hunter, babe? If you can here me I suggest you come out here before you end up with blood on your hands!" I knew he meant every word of his threat, if I walked out there I would be condemning myself, if I didn't I would be condemning someone else. Could I live with that?


I walked out of the change room with my hands in the air and my eyes focused on the floor upon which I was walking.
Looking up briefly I saw Ryder standing with a gun against a woman's head, his eyes softened when he saw me and I moved slowly to his side.
When I had done so the gun moved so it was now against my head, I let out an involuntary whimper as I felt it.

"If any of you call the police, she will get it!" he said the gathered crowd as he motioned with the gun towards me. He had successfully scared them and I knew no help would be coming for me.

"Lets go" he said and manoeuvred me out of the door and to his bike. As he seated me on the back of the bike I grabbed his arm.

"Would you have done it?" I didn't feel I needed to specify, he knew what I was talking about. "Yes" the word sent shivers down my spine but I needed to know more.

"Why?" the word came out more like a breath and I was amazed he heard it, "because you are mine now." His possessiveness would have been a turn on if he hadn't kidnapped me.

Roughly pushing the helmet onto my head he then climbed on in front of me as I did up the buckle.
"Hold on" he said "and if you ever pull another stunt like that you will regret it!"
He started up the bike and I relished the purr of the engine as he revved it a couple of times before taking off.

I didn't bother with holding onto him as we wove our way through the streets to our destination. I balanced myself with the grip I had with my knees and I held onto the handles on the sides of my seat.

Even just over the course of one day I was amazed how much I had missed being on a bike.

Reality however, caught up with me as soon as we pulled up in front of a large apartment building. He must have caught my confused look as he answered my unspoken question.
"Its just a stop over, now stop gawking and get inside."

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