forty one.

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"Carl!" I scream.

I hear his heavy footsteps running down the hall. He looks in horror at our daughters bad, "where are they?!"

I hear the scream again from outside.

We both charge out the front door to be greeted by guns. It was the W group.

We didn't kill them all.


They had all the children shackled and chained together. We were made to sit and watch as they struggled to get free.

A man with a W Mark step forward and announced, "you killed 11 of our men so we kill 11 of your children."

Shots opened and we watched as 11 fragile and innocent bodies drop to the ground. The screams of parents filled the air as they watched their children die.

"Catch is now the other children have to escape before they become devoured."

Carl ran towards the girls and a man hit him with the butt of his gun and Carl dropped. The man held my face as my daughters screamed for help. The dead children returned and began biting and eating the others.

I watched them die. Slowly and painfully.

A man smiled at me once more and hit me over the head.

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