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I've been in a shelter since the world turned for the worst. I'm with my father and we haven't seen the day of light in a really long time. It really sucks because I miss the warmth of the sun. I haven't really seen the outside world. Let alone zombies.

Dad contracted something last month and has been fighting like hell to beat it. Last night was his last day on earth. He couldn't hold out much longer but neither can I.

I'm alone.

I'm vulnerable.

I'm depressed.

I don't know how much longer I can take it.


It's been a few days since dads death. He's locked in a closet and groaning. I can't find it in me to take care of him. I'm better off just letting him eat my brains.

I'm better off dead.

I unlock the front door and make my way out to the empty street. The world looks horrible. Dead bodies all over and burned and looted buildings. I didn't make it to far before I fell to my knees and sobbed.

"Take me!" I scream. I hear footsteps and prepare myself for the end.

"Are you okay?" A voice breaks through my thoughts.

I look up and see a group of people surrounding me.

A man quickly offered his hand. "What are you doing out here?" he says."Are you trying to kill yourself?"

I stood up and backed up a little.

"I am Rick and this is carl and Daryl." He says.

"I'm y/n" I muttered.

"well welcome to our little group." He sticks out his hand.

"What?" I looked at him slightly baffled. "You're letting me join you?"

"Of course. We help people who need it." Rick insists. "Is there anyone else?"

"My dad died a few days ago" my head quickly dropped.

"Well we are here for you now." He pats my back.

I ran inside and grabbed my bag and photo. When I came back out they informed me that they were on a run.

"What's that?" I asked.

A younger boy from the back laughs and smiles, "it's when we look for supplies."

I quickly smiled and blushed feeling
like an idiot.

Rick pipes in, "how old are you?"

"I'm (y/a)" you twiddle your fingers.

"Old enough to hold her ground." another man walks over. "I'm Daryl. Do you know how to kill these things?"

I started to stutter "not really. Besides what the radio told us before it cut off,I've... Never had to kill."

"Well we will need to teach you." Rick handed me a knife. "Stay close to us for now and don't wander."

The group heads for a market down the corner. Daryl kicks open the door and we all make our way in. Everyone seemed relaxed and begins to grab cans and supplies. I stayed close to Rick and became his shadow. I noticed the floor had begun to sink as I walked across it. It's began to break. I attempted to jump before it consumed me but to no avail. The floor dropped and I went with it. I fell into a old cellar and hurt my ankle pretty bad.

Rick shouted towards me, "are you alright?"

I winced from the pain, "my ankle hurts!"

"We will find a way to get you, don't worry." He yells.

I heard someone else down here. I looked around and see a figure in the corner. The figure begins to move towards were I had fallen and I can't quite make out who it is.

"Rick? Is that you?"

It moves closer and closer.

"Daryl?" I started to feel uncomfortable.

I pushed away from it. Each inch I moved it would get closer. It's pace picked up as mine did. It was like it was mimicking me. I finally see its face as it reveals itself from the darkness. This isn't anyone from the group. Let alone anything alive. It quickly lunged at my neck. I just closed my eyes and screamed hoping for the best. I felt a body land on top of me and a warm wet sensation down my neck and spine.

"That's it." I whispered. "I'm dead."

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