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I woke up the next morning and cheery as ever. My chores today were to help Beth with watching Judith and cleaning the laundry. I decided to jump on doing the laundry first so I could relax with Beth after.

I finished it within an hour and ran towards Beth cell. I was beyond excited to play with Judith and tell Beth about what happened the night before. Plus Beth could help me get ready to see carl. He asked to meet with me before dinner so we could talk about something. I'm seriously counting down the seconds.

I peeked my head in and saw Judith smile and giggle at me.

"Hi pretty little ass kicker." I sat next to her.

"Hey there!" Beth smiled.

I smiled at her, "hey.. I need to talk to you."

Her face gave a worried look, "what's wrong?"

"You can't tell anyone." I scooted closer to her.

"Okay... What is it?" She whispered.

"So I sat by the fire with Carl last night and I held his hand and he kissed my forehead...."

A smile quickly came across her face.

"And... I think I really really like him."

She squeezed me and squealed, "I'm so excited for you!"

"He wants to talk tonight. I'm so nervous." I pushed my hair behind my ear, "and I look like a hot mess."

She smiled, "well let's clean you up! Sounds like you need to look your best tonight!"

She braided my hair(photo above) and gave me a clean shirt to wear.

"I was saving this for an important day. But I think you need it." She pulled out a box. "I'll never use it." She smiled.

"Beth no. I'm not taking it from you." She pulled out mascara and lip gloss.

"Please I insist." She opened the mascara and put it on my eyelashes. "Here." She handed me the lip gloss.

I rolled it over my lips and smacked them together. This is the best I've looked in a long long time.


My stomach was in knots and doing flips. Only 5 minutes till dinner. I walked out of Beth's cell and she gave me a thumbs up,

"You've got this!" She smiled.

I nervously walked down the hall and stared at my feet. I could hear the car pulling into the driveway and Carl's voice outside. I swear my heart is in my stomach. My hands began to shake and my palms started sweating.

I peeked my head around the corner to be greeted to his wonderful face. He locked eyes with me and just smiled and stared. I fixed my hair and adjusted my shirt and started walking his way. He grabbed my hand and lead me down the hallway.

I was so nervous. What was going through his mind. I could feel his eyes on my face and I was too terrified to look over and catch him. We quickly came to a stop at the doors.

"Y/n I just wanted to tell you that.. Uh. Uhm..."

As he was about to speak Patrick walked up, "hey Carl and hey beautiful" he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Would you like to go for a walk after dinner?" He asked.

"Uh no I think Carl and I have plans. Right Carl?" I smirked at Carl.

Carl just shook his head. His face was red.

I grabbed Carl's hand and walked away from Patrick. I could tell he was angry because his fist were tense. He walked with me to dinner and we both sat down.

"So what were you going to tell me?" I asked curiously.

"You'll have to wait till later." he smiled.

We finished our plates and washed them. He covered my eyes and helped me walk outside.

"Where are we going carl?" I laughed while pulling at his hands.

"It's a surprise." he whispered.

He moved his hands and there was a blanket, a fire, wild flowers, and MARSHMALLOWS!

"How did you find these?!" I yelled excitedly.

"I scavenged through the kitchen." He smirked.

"I love this carl. your so sweet." I flashed a big smile his way.

He pulled me in for a big hug. We both sat down and ate the stale and dust tasting marshmallows. the night was wonderful. full of laughs and smiles.

"I really need to tell you something." Carl blurted out.

"go for it!" I smiled.

"I like you!" He quickly yelled out and looked down right away.

"I like you too." I smiled.

He grabbed me face and kissed me. This was my first kiss. It's just like the movies. Butterflies in my stomach and fireworks going off in my head. I couldn't believe he kissed me.

"I'm so sorry!" he turned red.

"Why?" I laughed.

I quickly kissed him and laid on his chest.

"So does this mean that we are uhh.. You know.." carl asked.

"Together? Yes" I smiled.

"Good" he said while he played with my hair. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. He continued to whisper sweet words as I watched the flames and embers burn. Who says the world is so bad after all?

Carl Grimes, you will have my heart forever.

so this is the Carl&you story from my vine. But I may change this one up a bit. New pieces or different words because it's easier to write on here then vine. So keep an eye out. They aren't both exactly alike.

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