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/1 year later/

Judith and I were on the road for about 2 months after the battle. I found a house next to a lake and decided to call it home. I surprisingly didn't come across anyone else from the jail. I dug trenches around the house with spikes and fenced it up so Judith wouldn't fall in them. They were big enough to trap walkers and stop them so I no longer had to worry about it. I had the lake for water and fish for food. Life was pretty good and felt normal. I taught Judith to walk and even talk. I told her all about her family every night. I couldn't help but hope that carl was still out there.

That afternoon, Judith and I were playing on the front porch. She was singing her abc's and dancing. I heard movement in the woods. I scooped her up and placed her in the living room

"hide and seek, okay?" I smiled at her.

She ran off giggling and I locked the door. I stepped back out on the front porch, grabbed my rifle and stood in position just like daryl had taught me. I looked through the scope and saw about four figures moving through the brush. One of them fumbled out of the woods.

"oh my god" I whispered.

It was a man, "daryl?" I yell.

He looked up and squinted his eyes. I see his face go pale and he bolts towards me. I picked up the wood board I used as a bridge and placed it over the trench. He ran across and picked me up, hugging me. I cried and hugged him so tight.

"I thought you were dead." He said through tears.

I smiled and wiped his eyes. "You're living better than us! Look at you!" He laughed.

"Us?" I asked.

Daryl whistled and out of the woods came Rick. Behind him was a young girl about my age. She was holding someone's hand. I couldn't make out their face.

"No.." I whispered.

"Carl?" I yell.

He looks up and his face went white as snow. I pushed open the cabin door.

Judith runs out, "peekaboo y/n!" She giggles.

Carl and Rick bolted across the yard and scooped her up. Both cried so hard and held her close, "hi daddy."

She smiled. Rick thanked me and hugged me tight. I didn't say anything because my stomach was in my throat. Carl was alive but I've been replaced.

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