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Carl was clutching my hand and crying.

"you're awake!" He squeals.

He quickly grabbed my face and kissed me.

"I've missed you so much." He looks into my eyes.

I smiled at him but quickly began to scream.

"What's wrong?" He panics.

"My side! It burns!" He lifts my shirt to see my skin blackening.

"Is it bad?" I screamed in pain.

"Maggie!" Carl yelled.

Maggie rushed in, "oh god" she covered her mouth. "Carl get the antibiotics."

He ran out the door.

"I need to cut it away." Maggie yelled.

"I'm sorry.." Maggie knocked me over the head with a gun.

| carl pov |

I walked in to see her passed out.

"What happened!?" I rushed over to her.

"I had to knock her out!" Maggie yelled. "She can't be awake for this."

I shoved Maggie. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

She looked at me with regretful eyes, "carl I need you to tie her arms and legs down."

I looked at her with disbelief.

"It's just a precaution we need to take." She mumbled.

"I can't do that Maggie.." I shook my head.

"Fine I'll do it." She grabbed some fabric and tied her down making sure it's tight.

"I need something to clean it with."

I scavenged the bag and grabbed peroxide, "Here!" I tossed it Maggie's way.

Maggie poured it on her side and the knife.

"Here we go." She plunged the knife into
y/n's side.

Tears filled my eyes.

"It's severely infected." Maggie shook her head.

Her blood ran down the bed and onto the floor.

"This will kill her if I don't get rid of it."

I walked up and pressed onto her side.

"She's losing too much blood." I yelled.

"I know carl. I'm almost done!" Maggie finished and drained all the infection.

"I need some kind of stitching kit."

I ran and grabbed some fishing line, "Maggie catch!" I yelled and tossed it her way.

She grabbed it and cut off a thread. She quickly soaked it in peroxide. "Go find a needle!"

I ran back into the cabin and rummaged
through the cabinet in the bathroom. "Dad! I need a needle!"

He walked in and handed me a small bag.

I ran back out and handed the bag to Maggie. She ran the fishing line through the needle and tied it off.

"She may wake up. I'll need you to keep her calm." I just nodded my head and Maggie began. She flinched a few times but didn't wake up. I held her hand tight and Maggie finished.

y/n's eyes shot open.

"Carl get back!" Maggie yelled.

"No! She's fine!" I yelled back.

She didn't say anything she just stared
at the ceiling.

"Come on.. I know you'll make it." I shook her arm.

She slowly closed her eyes and that was it.

"NO! THIS ISNT HAPPENING!" I screamed at Maggie.

I squeezed her hand. "WAKE UP!"

"Carl we need to get out of here now!" Maggie yelled.

"No! I'm not leaving her!" She grabbed me like a child and carried me out the door slamming it shut. She dropped me on the ground and leaned against the door.

"I'm sorry."

"Maggie let me be with her." I shoved her.

"I hate to do this carl..." All I saw was her slide something from her back and then it all went black.

accidental encounterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt