twenty one.

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| carl pov |

"Y/n!" I ran towards her.

I looked into her room to see her sobbing.

"What happened to him?" She looked to Daryl.

She clung to him terrified. I walked in and she looked at me like I was a monster.

"y/n I'm sorry.." I walked closer.

"What's wrong with you!?"she screamed through tears.

"I just I.." Before I could explain she screamed at me to get out. I walked out and shut the door. I went towards the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Blood splattered across my face. Zombie fingers around my neck. Who am I?

| end of carl pov |

I sobbed into daryls arms, "What happened to him?"

Daryl just shrugged.

"I need to sleep." Daryl got up and walked out of the room. I quickly threw my face into the pillow. What happened to him while I was gone?! He's not the sweet Carl I loved.

I drifted off into memories I held with Carl.

My head soon filled with nightmares. I thought of my brother lance. Daryl said he passed on from blood loss. At least I didn't have to see him turn.


The next morning I woke up to Judith
climbing on top of me.

"Wake uppy!" She kissed all over my face.

I quickly got up and dressed. My side and shoulder will still pretty tender.

"No heavy lifting!" Maggie yelled as I walked out of the room.

I just smiled and walked outside. The suns warmth on my skin and the smell of the lake sent chills down my spine.

Almost dying really makes you appreciate the little things.

I look to see Carl staring out his window at me. He gives me a slight smile and I quickly turn away.

He's insane and I need to steer clear of him.

Beth ran out of the woods and about screamed when she saw me.

"Beth!" I scream and run towards her.

"Y/n!" She engulfed me in a huge hug and tears.

"I thought I lost you." She clung tight.

"I missed you." My eyes were filled with tears.

"Would you like to go on a run with Daryl and I?" She asked with a huge smile.

"Of course!" I quickly went inside and grabbed my bag and chased after them.

"Wait up!" I yelled. Running hurt like hell
so I had to take everything super slow.

"My side! I can't run!"

They turn back and laugh, "my bad!" Beth runs back towards you.


We had been on the road for about 30 minutes. My side killed so I couldn't move to quick. And every step hurt a lot more.

"You sure you can do it?" Daryl looked at me as I winced.

"Yeah." You grunted through the pain, "I got it."

"We only like 15 minutes away from the cabin if ya wanna go back."

I gave him a glare, "No Daryl."

He raised his hands and laughed.

Suddenly a black car swerved down the road. They slam on the brakes and a pair of arms reach out and grab me.

"Daryl! Help!" I scream.

Beth runs over and pulls but they grab her and trap her in as well. The car speeds away and I see Daryl chasing the vehicle as fast as he can.

A white towel quickly goes around my face and like that I'm passed out.

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