thirty nine.

143 4 0

" What is he doing?" I tried to move closer to look.

"Don't move." Carl grabbed my arm.

"Why?" I whispered.

"Look." He signaled down towards the other side of the tree line.

It was a group of men scouting out the fence. They had a distinct marking on their forehead.

A burned W.

"What the hell?!" I scurried back into the woods.

"Are they planning on attacking?" I asked Carl.

He nodded his head,"probably."

"We have to help." I added.

"No we aren't risking it." He looked at me.

"We have to help them. They are family."

He sighed, "you won't give it up, will you?"

"Nope." I climbed up the hill.


The car ride back was silent. We would be risking a lot of lives in order to save a few. But they were family and they were worth the risk.


The town was hesitant to help but joined in because they trust Carl. He started the town anyways. They loaded their guns into their cars and we set off. A haul of 15 fully loaded vehicles started the four hour trek to Alexandria.

Let's just hope we make it on time.


We rolled up to the spot we would set up camp. Everyone unloaded and settled in. I made sure to get plenty of rest for the battle ahead.

(Next morning)

I walked through the woods and managed to find the enemy's camp about 20 minutes from Alexandria.

"Should we attack?" I turned to Carl.

He was zoned out counting how many bodies he had to pick off. "25 people."

He looked at me, "no, we get all the group first."

We made our way back to camp and grabbed all our weapons. The rest of the group quickly grabbed all their guns and anything else that was capable of killing.

"Let's do this."

Everyone walked towards the enemies camp but heard gunshots near Alexandria. Everyone ran down the hill towards the gates. They were climbing the fence and zombies swarmed everywhere.

"Attack!!!" I screamed.

The group charged and attacked.

I couldn't see anything but red. I shot and sliced away at people and zombies.

I felt so alive, this is how we should always feel. On the edge.

"Y/n?" I look up in the sea of dead bodies to a familiar face.


accidental encounterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن