twenty nine.

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I woke up the next morning before everyone and thought it was the perfect opportunity to slip out before anyone could stop me.

Carl didn't want me here anymore so why even bother.

I opened the doors to see a field of zombies stuck in trees. It was a miracle that the barn held up in the storm.

"Wait up" Maggie called out.

She walked up to me with the small box Carl had given to Colton, "Daryl fixed it. Can I walk with you?"

I just smiled and nodded and kept walking.

"Wow look at that." Maggie pointed to the sunrise.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

She sat the box down between the both of us and started talking away, I couldn't hear much of what she said because my mind was on Colton.

We both stared into the sun as it rose in the sky.

"We will both make it." Maggie said with tears in her eyes.

Suddenly, a man emerged into the field.

Maggie and I jumped up with guns pointed on him.

"Good morning." He raised up his hands,

"I'm Aaron."

He smiled, "I know stranger danger."

"I'd like to talk to the leader of the group, Rick right?"

"What?" Maggie said.

"Why?" I asked quickly.

"I have some good news." Aaron smiled.

All of a sudden the music began to play from the box.

If anything that has to be a sign, right?


We walked back to the barn and led Aaron in. The group all jumped up and stood ready to attack. He began to explain all about where he was from and what
we could be involved in.

I couldn't pay attention. I stared at Carl as he bounced Judith back and forth.

"Y/n, can you hand Rick my pack?" Aaron asked.

I quickly brought it over to Rick and walked away. Rick pulled out pictures of the community he was apart of. Aaron went on and on about the walls of the community and the security. It sounded wonderful but how can we trust him.

Rick slowly walked over and punched him in the face. Aaron dropped to the ground and the group surrounded him.


Maggie and Michonne helped him sit up when he woke up.

Aaron smiled, "hell of a right cross, Rick."

I couldn't help but crack a slight smile.

"How many of your people are out there?" Rick asked.

"Does it matter?" Aaron asked.

"Yes it does." Rick replied.

"I mean does it really matter how many are out there or how many I tell you." Aaron answered.

I shifted towards the back of the barn by Carl.

"Because it doesn't matter how many ill say..."

He continued, " matter what I'll say you won't trust me."

Carl grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him.

He's still protective.

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