Chapter One - The Flight

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  The wind whipped around her as she ran through the dimly lit street. She breathed in deeply and breathed out slowly trying to control her breathing. Everything around her was spinning, her head throbbed, and on top of all that her heart felt like it was about to pound out of her chest. Thoughts and images swirled around her as she tried to imagine of where she was. Glass was all over the ground and a black car was laying upside down, all of its windows shattered, a car door was open and blood was all over the ground.

  "Alex?" a low and familiar voice interrupted the terrible images, "Alex, wake up!"

  Her eyes shot open and sat up quickly but stopped being pulled back down to where she was sitting. Sweat was collected in her palms and forehead and her was pounding against her chest, she was breathing heavily. She flinched back as a warm hand touched her arm, her eyes shot up to see her father was sitting next to her staring at her with worry in his eyes.

Taking a deep breath she slowed her breathing and wiped her forehead with her jacket sleeve and then wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans. She was burning up in her hoodie but she didn't want to go through all the trouble to take it off. She finally brought herself together to realize that she and her father were still on the plane to London, England where her father was getting a higher paid job, to make up for the loss of her mother.

  "I'm okay.." Alex finally say slowly and quietly, her father nods "Were you dreaming of-" but Alex cut him off before he could finish, he didn't want him to say the horrible accident when her mother had died, "Yeah," her voice barely above a whisper.

  She could never get the horrible nightmare out of her mind, the thought was always there. Her father just smiles and squeezes her arm, " I do too." was all he simply said and turned away, which left Alex with a million thoughts flying around her mind. She sighed and looked out the plane's  small window and stared out as the clouds disappeared behind the plane and all she could see was the bright blue ocean that seemed to stretch on forever.

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a corner of England just waiting for her to arrive. It looked tiny from how high up they were. She pulled down her window slide down so she couldn't see outside and leaned her head back against the heat rest and closed her eyes, and focused on having a peaceful sleep.


  Alex almost jumped out of her skin as a beep echoed throughout the plane. She let out a breath as she realized it was just the pilot announcing that they need to put on their seat belts for they would be landing soon. She pulled up the window slide, getting blinded by the sun peaking over the horizon. Squinting her eyes she looked out the window at England below the plane.

They were so close to the ground that she could see cars and buses driving up and down the roads. The airport was really close now, she could see it now, it didn't look big from here but she new it would be way better up in person. The plane shook as it got closer and closer to the ground. The runway was just ahead of the plane and she looked ahead as the plane got closer and closer to the ground. Finally its wheels hit the ground and it felt like the plane shot forward. She pushed her back against the seat, taking it all in, therefore this was her first time flying.

  As the plane slowed to a stop at the airport, people got up and grabbed their bags from the department above and walked out. Her and her father waited until most of the people were gone before grabbing their stuff and got off the plane, once the majority of the people got off of the fairly large sized plane, her father stood up and slowly and carefully got the two small carry-ons from the department above them. Her father handed her, her backpack and she took it back and swung it over her shoulder. Not at all surprised of how light it was, it only had her phone, camera, colored pencils, normal pencils, paper, computer, and headphones. As they walked off the plane, a man and two women smiled at her and her father

  "Thank you for flying with us." the man said still smiling. She gave them a fake smile and walked away from the plane, her father following her.

  They walked down a long hallway to the central place of London's airport. As they entered, Alex looked around slowly, there were lots of people there, most of all of them looked british, she felt out of place. Her father walked right beside her as they walked towards luggage area. She could see it in front of her, a circular machine was going around in circles some luggage was in it people walking up and grabbing theirs then walking off.

She slowly walked up and looked for her two black suitcases. Finally after standing next to her father for about ten minutes she finally saw the twin suitcases coming towards her. She reached out and grabbed them one by one, then set them down and looked up to see her father grabbing his huge red one. They both looked at each other before pulling up the handle from the suitcase and walked with her father outside of the airport, they're suitcases rolling behind them.

As they emerged into the bright and busy London, she squinted her eyes and looked up at the tall buildings that stretched above them. Taxis, buses, and cars drove up and down the road. There was no doubt about it, Alex was going to love it here.

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