Moving In

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"How are you feeling about this?" he asks with a weak smile.

"You've asked that question me about a million times already," I laugh.

"Yeah, I know. And I want to hear your answer a million times. I need you okay with this in order for me to be okay with this. No lying. So will you just the question?"

A couple months ago, my friend/roommate, Charlie, came home one afternoon and told me she was engaged to her boyfriend. After snatching her into my arms, jumping up and down in circles with her for half an hour and checking out the ring, reality hit me. Which means I realized I was out a roommate... and half of the rent. There is no way I can afford this place alone, so I needed a roommate. I was freaking out for a few minutes before I realized I'd have time. It's not like she was getting married immediately, right?

Um, wrong.

Charlie ends up telling me they want to get married in about four months. So she plans on moving in with her boyfriend- now fiancee- as soon as our lease is up. She goes into an apology for stranding me with the apartment, but of course I tell her not to apologize because she's getting married. But truthfully, all my worries temporarily went away when she told me I was the maid of honor.

Later that night, David was suppose to come over so we could watch a movie. It's almost like a tradition we have going on. We were bored one Tuesday night, the only movies I had were Disney movies, and who doesn't love a good Disney movie? No one, that's who. That first night we watched Wall-E, and for the following nine weeks, we've watched every Disney Pixar movie, except for the one I have yet to see.

So he comes through the door like he always does. I smile enthusiastically, "Do you have the movie?"

He held up the box and laughs at me, "How have you not seen this yet?" I hop in place and snatched it away and run back into the house. He laughs even harder, "You're as bad as my cousin when she saw this movie. She's three. How old are you again? Am I even allowed to date you?" David steps inside and shuts the front door.

"Shut up. I'm only a few months younger than you." I threw the movie onto the couch and we headed to the kitchen. "You're never too old for Toy Story."

"Good point." He goes to the cupboard that holds our usual movie night treats. "Which one this time?"

"Cinnamon Toast Crunch, please," I say going into a cabinet full of bowls. "We just restocked on everything yesterday."

"Can I have Lucky Charms then?"

"Of course."

"Awesome." Yes, we eat cereal every time we watch movies together. Don't judge. He brought over the two boxes, stopping by the refrigerator to get the milk before making it all of the way. I pour my bowlful of cinnamon-y goodness and pour his food and put the boxes back. He opens the carton of milk and serves himself then raise his eyebrows at me, "Milk?" he offered.

I stick my tongue out, "Ew. No. It makes it all soggy."

David chuckles, "That's the point, you know."

"It's called Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Not Cinnamon Toast Soggy. I want to hear the crunch."

He sighs and rolls his eyes, "Whatever you say, Emma." He pauses, "So will Charlie and Zach be coming by tonight?"

"Actually no. They're out on a big date." David just looks at me as he eats a spoonful of cereal. "He proposed today. They're getting married in a few months."

"Wow, really? That's great."

"I know, right? They're perfect for each other. I should be worried though. Because they've been dating a shorter amount of period than us. But I just get a feeling they'll work. It's like they were made for each other." And I ate a spoonful of cereal and swallowed. "The only thing I am worried about is the rent. I'm out half of my rent with her moving out. I have no idea what I'm going to do after the wedding."

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