Because You're You

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He came to the bar probably everyday for an entire month.

The first time he came, he went up to Tabitha and asked for me. I hadn't told her about our break up since it was only a couple days ago, so she dragged me over to him and started gushing about us being such a cute couple. It was very awkward trying to tell her we were over.

She looked lost, "Emma, please tell me this is some joke."

I shake my head, "No, this isn't some joke."

She slaps my arm, and I glare at her, "Well, why wasn't I let in on this?! Why didn't you tell me?! It would've spared us this awkward moment!"

"I haven't found the right time to tell you yet," I lied. I was probably going to wait a while before telling her. I knew she's press me with a million questions, and I know I wouldn't know the answer to most of them.

"Well, why?!" she asks me.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out," interjects David. Tabitha stares at him for a moment, then they both look at me, waiting for me to say something.

Are they double teaming me here?! No, they cannot do that. "I need to talk to David. Alone." I grab him by the arm and take him outside behind the building. "David, what are you doing here?"

"I came to try to talk to you. About Saturday. About our relationship- or should I say lack there of. I still don't understand-"

"You lied to me. You betrayed me," I said.

"I told you, Heather and I-"

"It's not that, David. It has nothing to do with Heather. I honestly believe you did not cheat on me with Heather. On that part, you didn't lie." I fold my arms, "But then there's you brother."

He rubs his forehead with his hand, "I'm sorry about that. I never expected to not be with you when you saw him. And I couldn't have imagined Lisa... well, you know! I'm so sorry! If I could redo that whole day, I would!"

I turn around to leave, not wanting to listen to anymore of this, but he grabs me by my wrist. I snatch it away, "Let it go!" I shouted.

"I can't! Please explain to me why my brother is such a big factor in this! In our relationship! I don't get it. It shouldn't be a big deal. What does he have to do with anything!?"

"It- it just does!"

"Why?! Please tell me why! Why? Why?! Why!?"

"Because you lied!"

"Okay! I lied about that, but why can't I be forgiven for it?!"

"Why should I have to explain to you? We're over, remember?!"

"I think I deserve an explanation!"

"Why is that?"

"Because- because I love you, Emma!" And he steps forward, grabs my face roughly, and pulls me in for a kiss. I try to fight it at first, pushing away, but that only makes him hold me closer. I try to shout something, but it comes out a muffled mess. l can't ignore the swarm of butterflies inside any longer though. My strength drains away, and I'm not fighting any more. Just as I'm leaning it, trying to enjoy it, he finishes with me, dropping his hands. "See? And I think you love me!"

I struggle with my words, trying to look at him through my fogged glasses, "I-I don't... know."

"You do, Emma."

My God, do I? Maybe...? "But... but you lied to me..."

"How many times do I have to apologize for my dumbass brother?" He runs a hand through his hair, "You know what, I'll keep apologizing if it means you'll take me back." He grabs my face again, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry about lying to you about him being there. I'm sorry Lisa hurt you. I'm sorry he touched you. I'm sorry he scared you. I'm sorry for ever bringing him to that bar!" Then he shakes his head and stares at me with his blue eyes, "No, I'm not. because then I never would have met you."

EmmaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon