A Cry for Help

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Nerissa made her way to the entrance of the bar and melted into the shadows. She looked back through the crowd, her eyes narrowing, and dimly glowing red as she searched through the crowd for the boy...

"Been mixing business with pleasure again I see." She ignored Douglas' sudden comment from behind her, she knew he was there, she could sense him. She instead continued to search the faces of the crowd as she answered.

"Why shouldn't I? Are you jealous?" Douglas was now right beside her, she could feel his presence, smell his scent, sense his energy.

"Now why would I be jealous?" She rolled her eyes and gave up looking for the boy.

"Did you have any luck?" He shook his head.

"You?" She glanced over her shoulder as she felt something...a sudden tug on her senses, and a small spark deep inside her...fear? No. She wasn't afraid of anything, even if her instincts were never wrong she would choose to ignore this.

She was surprised to see the boy...Alex, walking towards the door that was only twenty feet away from her. His blond waves were slightly ruffled from where her fingers ran through them. Her eyes ran over him, lingering on his chest and shoulders. There was a tugging feeling deep within her, warning her that he was somehow dangerous, but Nerissa was attracted to danger, and the feeling of lust was much stronger. Why was she affected by him? She was the one to control emotions, she could control anyone she liked... so why did this mere human boy make her lose all control.

"Nerissa, you there?" She snapped out of her thoughts, and rolled her eyes at Douglas.

"Yes idiot, I'm here." He snorted in her ear and followed her gaze.

"What's so interesting about Thor?" She whirled on him.

"If you are implying he looks like a god then yes, you are correct. And what does it matter to you?" He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"You realize he's probably only like...seventeen?" She curled her lip back and took a step towards him.

"You realize that as a human, I am the equivalent of twenty-one? Four years isn't much is it?" She said it bitingly, purposefully pointing out his age difference. He didn't respond, so Nerissa turned back, she gasped as she saw the boy was almost at the door! She followed him with her eyes, wondering if she would see him again...she would be able to follow him now that she had his scent, although it might take a while, and it would weaken her. But that might be worth it.

"Alex, come on!" Squints tugged on his friend's arm, desperate to escape the club. Alex felt a strange sensation in his gut, and he suddenly interpenetrated it as danger. He paused and frowned, the back of his neck prickled like someone was watching him...he turned around suddenly, and thought he saw a glimpse of red fabric but it wasn't there now. He shook his head and allowed Squints to lead him out into the night air.

Nerissa let out a sigh of relief and emerged from behind Douglas, who looked slightly confused but amused.

"What's your problem?" She hissed at him and he took a step back, suddenly realizing that he was on very thin ice. Something was making her tense, making her preoccupied, and he knew from experience that she was very dangerous this way.

"There is something strange about that boy! I don't know what it is...but I'm going to find out." Douglas shrugged.

"We'll have plenty of time for that, right now we can't risk letting her trail go cold." Nerissa slammed her heel down with a sharp crack.

"The trail's been cold since we wiped out the Lux Grex! We'll never find her!" Douglas laid his hands on her shoulders soothingly.

"Calm down, she is young, and inexperienced, she will show herself, and we must be ready." Nerissa sighed, resigning grudgingly. She whipped her hair over her shoulder and strode for the entrance.

Shadow at the Water's edge.On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara