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Alex couldn't stop staring at the strange black design now marking his chest. Tracing it with his fingertips as Vivian tried to explain what had just happened to him. "Guardians only appear very rarely, they're humans that are born with supernatural abilities, destined to help protect the creatures of myth that still roam the earth. As their powers develop, they will begin to form bonds, links, to the race they are meant to protect. I can't believe I didn't make the connection sooner. It wasn't just chance that I saved your life and was able to find you when I was in trouble, or the fact that you had a vision of me in trouble."

Alex finally tore his eyes away from the mark, and met Vivian's. "So...you're saying I'm some kind of superhuman born to protect sea nymphs?" He shook his head and stood up. "That's crazy. I don't have superpowers."

Vivian stood up quickly and put her hand on Alex's shouler, a small, warm, tingle buzzed between their touching skin. "You do have powers, you just don't know how to use them yet." She slowly removed her hand as she felt their energy linking, and bit her lip. "I know this is hard to accept...please let me explain more?"

Alex hesitated, and then, with a sigh, sat back down on the bed.

Vivian began to pace back and forth in front of him, using her hands to emphasize her words as she talked quickly. "Guardians have been around as long as we have, they usually gravitate, unknowingly, to an area that hosts their guarded race. You've lived in California your whole life?"

Alex shrugged. "More or less."

Vivian nodded and continued. "Whether you knew it or not, you were drawn to the ocean, towards my Grex. We've lived in this area of ocean for years. Guardians are almost an entire race unto themselves, passing the abilities on to the next generation."

Alex's eyes widened. "Wait," He said, suddenly feeling out of breath. "Are you saying that my parents were Guardians?" He shook his head. "That's impossible."

Vivian paused in her pacing, and frowned slightly. "Not both of them necessarily, only one parent would need to be a Guardian in order to pass the abilities onto you. However, in your case, I think the more plausible explanation is that you are a true Guardian. Once in a while a Guardian is born of normal blood, thereby starting another Guardian line."

Alex took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Okay...suppose what you're saying is true."

"It is."

"Okay fine. So I'm a...Guardian. How do I know what to do?"

Vivian chewed on her lip again. "You said something happened in the club...but you don't know what?"

He nodded.

"Right, well I'm guessing you reacted instinctively, and used your powers without realizing it. Now that you've been marked, you should be able to use your powers more fluently."

"What do you mean by powers? What powers do I have?"

Vivian shook her head. "I don't know. As far as I knew Guardians were just a myth, a story to comfort young Nymphs who had trouble sleeping."

"Great," Alex muttered, "I supposedly have these magical powers, and no one knows what they are." He rubbed his forehead. "And now I'm getting a headache."

Vivian crouched in front of him and looked up at his ducked head, studying his face. "Is it a throbbing ache right above your right eyebrow?"

Alex looked surprised. "Yeah...how did you know?"

Vivian smiled. "Because I used to get them, before I learned to use my powers. Here, take my hand." She held up her right hand, "Use your left hand." She instructed.

Shadow at the Water's edge.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें