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Nerissa placed one black heeled foot in front of the other as she walked purposefully toward the large beach house painted a bright coral color.

She took a moment to survey the layout of the building, taking note of all entrances and exits, windows included. She turned in a circle, smirking as she saw that there were no houses within a mile of the coral one. "You chose your location well, but you didn't think about what would happen if you were attacked. Luckily for us." She said as a slow smile spread across her face.

She straightened her posture and strode toward the house, heels clicking purposefully on the driveway.

She could feel them...the whole Grex seemed to be gathered on the second floor. She walked up the porch stairs until she reached the door.

She rolled her shoulders then snapped her head toward the door. Her eyes flashing bright red as the door blasted open, spraying splinters into the large living room.

She walked through the wreckage and declared with a smirk. "Honey, I'm home!"

She was answered with coughs and shouts of surprise from inside the room. As the dust settled, she looked over the group of people inside.

Sitting on various pieces of furniture were about a dozen men and women, looking from the ages of fifteen to eighty, and they were all very attractive. The youngest, a slender girl with reddish curls and large green eyes, hid behind a tall man with broad shoulders and similar hair and eye color.

Nerissa looked at each face until she found the one she was looking for. "Natalia, so kind of you to lead us to your Grex. Good to see you again."

A tall young woman with blond hair and shining blue eyes stepped forward and faced Nerissa. "Leave us alone Nerissa! Why must you torment us?"

Nerissa smiled innocently and raised her hands. "My dear girl, I don't mean to torment you." Her eyes hardened and she smiled wickedly. "I mean to kill you."

Natalia laughed and motioned to the others. "Nerissa, your power may be great, but you're barely a match for me, let alone the entire Grex."

Nerissa nodded slightly and looked like she was contemplating something. "Perhaps..." She glanced towards the windows and then continued. "But you see, I brought some friends, and they have some lovely toys for you."

Suddenly a window shattered and Natalia gasped. She looked down at the crossbow bolt protruding from her ribs. She looked up at Nerissa as she stalked over to stand face to face with her.

"Yes dear Natalia, those bolts are coated with Nightshade. As you are well aware, that's one of the few things that can kill our kind."

Natalia pulled the bolt with a wince and looked at the tip which was dyed purple. She looked up at Nerissa as she slowly sank to her knees. Her skin turning deathly pale as her lips darkened to purple. "Nerissa...please don't do this. You'll be wiping out an entire Grex, think about what that means."

Nerissa smirked at the dying Natalia and kicked the extracted bolt away from her. "I know exactly what I'm doing Natalia. With an entire Grex gone, it will make my life much easier."

Natalia's eyes clouded over and she collapsed onto her back. The color slowly drained from her hair and eyes until they were both pale gray. A light purple liquid trickling out of her mouth. She gasped once, and then lay completely still.

A young man with bronze skin and black hair ran to her side, one of the older women called out as he reached her. "Don't touch her!"

But it was too late, the man cradled her in his arms, and his color immediately began to fade, his skin and lips turning the same shade as Natalia's. Soon he was lying just as pale and lifeless as Natalia.

Shadow at the Water's edge.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz