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"Vivian! We're going to be late!" Alex called from the kitchen, shrugging his backpack onto his shoulders as he grabbed a couple granola bars from the pantry.

He heard her hurried footsteps coming down the hall, and he snatched his keys off the hook and met her at the front door.

"Here," He tossed her a granola bar, which she caught and stuck in her pocket, slipping her book bag's strap over her shoulder.

"Science test today?" She asked as they walked down the front steps.

"Yep, you prepared for it?"

She nodded, and slid into the passenger seat of Alex's car.

"As prepared as I'll ever be. Has Squints given you any updates on the situation?"

Alex started the car and pulled out of the driveway, pausing a minute before answering.

"He's been keeping an eye out for any strange activity along the docks, and researching all things Nymph or Trapper related, but so far everything seems quiet." He glanced over at her, noticing her worried frown he placed a hand on her arm briefly "Don't worry, Squints will let us know the minute anything out of the ordinary happens."

She sighed and shot him a small smile.

"I know. It's's been almost a month since I started school, and everything is going so well. But I can't enjoy it because I have this stupid feeling that it can't last long."

"It's not stupid, I can feel it too." She looked over surprised.

"You can?" He nodded.

"It's like a sense of foreboding hanging over you. We just have to be careful and wait it out." They rode in silence the rest of the way to school. Once they arrived, they were met by Squints and Libby in the parking lot.

"Hey you!" Libby said enthusiastically giving Vivian a hug, they had become fast friends in the short time they had known each other.

"Any news?" Alex asked Squints quietly as they walked to the school a few feet behind the girls, who were talking about a clothing sale that weekend.

"Everything's quiet, although I did hear some rumors about a fishing boat that's been in town since Vivian showed up, I asked a friend of mine down at the docks to scope it out and report back if anything seemed odd."

Alex nodded, and then clapped Squints on the shoulder.

"Thanks man, I really appreciate it." Squints shrugged.

"We're all in this together, Vivian is one of us now, we look out for each other." Alex smiled and nodded.

"That's true. I'll see you after class."

They all separated to their classes, and for the next hour or so had nothing on their minds but the work at hand.

At lunch they all met up in the cafeteria and chose a table near the back wall, secluded so that they could talk without being overheard.

"So I had the best idea ever during class!" Libby said as she set her tray down on the table and plopped into the seat across from Vivian. Alex grinned and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Oh really? And what would that be?" Libby grinned mischievously and lifted her hand dramatically.

"Tonight, the four of us, go to the club!" Squints groaned and Libby poked his arm. "Hey! Don't be a wet blanket, come on please? We could all use some fun, and we haven't done anything really as a group since Vivian joined our little passe." She turned to Alex and pulled a puppy face.

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