Rescue Attempt.

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Alex paced back and forth, combing his fingers through his hair distractedly.

Vivian sat on the couch, watching Alex pace in front of her while her knee bounced nervously. "What are we going to do?" She asked quietly, not sure that she wanted the answer even if there was one.

"I don't know." Alex paused, glanced at her, shot an anxious look at the door, and began pacing again.

"Nerissa will kill them both if she doesn't get what she wants."

Alex nodded. "I know." He stopped and placed his hands on his hips, his eyes flickering back and forth slightly as he thought.

"I could give myself up."

"Not an option." Alex said without hesitation.

Vivian stood up and faced him, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. "My entire Grex is already dead because of me! I won't let anyone else die for my sake."

Alex shook his head. "No one is going to die. Listen, you stay here, I'm going to go to the docks."
Vivian grabbed his arm. "You can't! She'll kill your friends and then she'll kill you!"

He placed his hand gently over hers and met her teary-eyed gaze. "I'll be fine, I have a plan."

"Alex, Nerissa is stronger than you could ever imagine. And you haven't learned to use your powers yet..."

He held both of her hands in his and rested his forehead against hers. "I've used my powers before, I'll just let instinct kick in again."

She closed her eyes and shook her head slowly. "Alex..."

He cut off whatever she was going to say next by tilting her chin up and closing the distance between their lips.

Vivian curled her fingers into his hair. His words said not to worry, but the kiss was saying something else entirely. It was a goodbye, just in case. How was she supposed to just let him go? Practically defenseless and hopelessly outnumbered.

Alex slowly pulled away, and gave her a small smile. "I'll be back before you know it."

He wasn't leaving the subject open for argument, so Vivian just nodded.

"Stay in the house, don't let anyone but me or Nick in. If I'm not back when it starts to get dark, call the police and then get out, go somewhere safe. Understand?"

She nodded again.

"Good. I'll see you soon." He stepped forward and gave her one final kiss before turning and walking out the door, flipping the dead bolt on his way out.

Alex stood on the front porch for a moment. He didn't have a plan, well, not a good one at least, but he had to save his friends. No matter what the cost.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped down the steps, and made his way to the docks.

As he walked, he concentrated on the energy he constantly felt humming just beneath the surface of his skin. Slowly, his veins began to glow blue, spreading across his chest, crawling down his arms all the way down to his fingertips.

His vision sharpened until he could make out the individual fibers in his clothing, each grain of sand underneath his feat and every blade of grass in the scattered clumps of greenery.

Suddenly, the air around him began to shimmer and ripple, glowing slightly with blue energy. He was in a dome of energy. Picking up a pebble, he tossed it at the dome, and dodged out of the way as it bounced back at him.

A force field. Just as it dawned on him, the shield disappeared. He had broken concentration.

He grew slightly more confident now that he knew he could at least tap into his power if he needed. He hoped that knowing how to use it offensively came as instinctively as defensively had been.

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