I looked at Camila who looked bewildered at what had happened. She looked at me and softly smiled. "I guess we have until 1."

I looked over at the clock and nodded, realizing it was 11 a.m which gave us only 2 hours.

"Yea, we better make the best of it."


Since Camila couldn't really do much with her wound, we decided on just watching a movie. Lame I know, but that's the only thing we could really do in Camila's state and in just 2 hours. I missed school obviously and called my mom a to tell her a lame excuse that I wasn't feeling well. She seemed skeptical about it but nonetheless, let me stay.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" I asked looking over my shoulder at Camila who was slightly sitting up on the bed.

"Um I'm not sure." She bit her lip frowning in thought.

"Well, let's start with your favorite movie." I shrugged, hoping it would lead us to choosing a movie.

"I-I don't have one." She mumbled shyly.

"You don't have a favorite movie?" I gasped turning around completely to look at her.

"Well I mean I do, but it's not-you wouldn't know it." She played with her fingers on her lap.

"I'm a movie geek, I'm sure I'll know it. Come on, just tell me. I might even have it."

"Well...it's a pretty old movie." She mumbled looking up at me.

"I have like a million old movies." I pointed to my stack of movies ranging from the 50's to late 90's.

"No...it's pretty old."

"How old?"

"Like..," She paused for a moment, frowning her eyebrows in thought. "Like....like a few centuries." She nodded in a so-so matter.

I gaped my mouth open. "Okay....yea definitely won't have it then."

She let out a soft giggle which caused me to smile back.

"Well, we can settle for a few episodes of Friends then." I decided as I quickly put the show on and got in bed next to Camila.

After a few moments I quickly glanced over at her and saw her intrigued in the show. Her eyes were completely focused on it as she would release a few small laughs here a there when something funny came up. I smiled at how normal she looked. She still looked ill but she looked better than before.

She must have felt my staring because we soon ended up looking straight at each other.

"When do you get hungry?" I asked trying to avoid the question of why I was staring at her. But I was also generally curious.

"Um...." She looked over at the clock before facing me. "Not sure. Harry usually knew exactly when." She shrugged.

"Oh well if you do, just let me know."

She nodded, "I will."

We then sat in silence again. We would laugh here and there before I looked over at her once more and got lost in her beauty. She just had this effortless beauty about her that left me at awe. She had this adorable mole that laid right on the top of her forehead, the most beautiful smile in the world. Not just that but just her. She was as beautiful from the outside as she was from the inside. I know that sounds corny but it's true.

She's Not Normal (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now