XXV » twenty-five

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After work was over, I drove home in the pouring rain and changed into some sweats and a tank top. Walking into the kitchen, I put some popcorn in the microwave and grabbed the jar of peanut butter and a spoon and scooped some into a bowl. After the popcorn had been popped to capacity, I melted the peanut butter and walked over to the family room to watch some tv. I dipped my popcorn in my peanut butter and ate it as I watched American Horror Story. It was the only thing on television I could actually tolerate. Other than that, I barely watched tv unless it was to watch old movies.

As my eyes focused on the tv and my hand grabbed handfuls of popcorn and dipped them into the peanut butter, I could feel my phone vibrate the furniture. I dropped my handful of popcorn and wiped my hands on my pants before I picked up my phone.

Bizzle and I had been messaging all day and he still hadn't brought up the whole FaceTime thing again.

Smallviller: You'll never guess what happened today.

I smiled at his message and replied back.

Camryn17: What? Tell me.

Smallviller: Okay, okay. You don't have to beg. Lol anyways, this girl asked me out today. She was smoking hot.

I laughed out loud at his message.

Camryn17: And what did you say?? Lol.

Smallviller: I gave her my phone number. She wants to hang out with me sometime soon. ;P

I furrowed my eyebrows at his response.

Camryn17: Really? Didn't you just meet her?

Smallviller: Yeah, why?

Camryn17: No reason.

Smallviller: I don't know... If I'm not mistaken, I kinda sounds like you're a little jealous?

I would be lying if I said his message didn't make me blush. I couldn't be jealous. Could I?

Camryn: Me? Jealous? Absolutely not! I mean how would I be jealous? We aren't dating.

I thought to myself a little. I couldn't be jealous. I had no idea who I was even talking to. It'd be completely abnormal to catch feeling for someone I barely knew anything about. Right?

Breaking me from my thoughts, my phone vibrated in my hands. I looked down at the message.

Smallviller: Lol, I'm just joking with you Cammie.

Camryn17: Cammie?

It took me a second to realize what he was talking about.

"Oh shit," I whispered, quickly typing in a response before he did.

Camryn17: I didn't mean to put that! My mom was calling my name and I accidentally typed my name instead of my reply. lol.

Smallviller: That happens to me all the time! Well when I'm singing a song and texting. Hah.

My shoulders dropped and I began to type.

Camryn17: Lol. We're both weirdos. :P

I sat my phone down and put my focus back on the television and grabbed a handful of popcorn again. While I shoved the buttery popcorn in my mouth, there was a knock on the door.

Making sure my mouth was free from food, I wiped my mouth and answered the door.

"Adam?" I questioned. He and Justin had been standing there. Justin was again too busy on his phone to notice me, or acknowledge my presence.

"Told you I was coming over today," he smirked, pushing me to the side so he could get in.

"Adam, I really don't think this is a good time."

"Anytime is a good time. Remember?"

I looked at him with squinted eyes then turned back to the door, waiting for Justin to step inside. Not once did he take his eyes off his phone.

We all walked into the family room and took a seat on the furniture.

"So?" I questioned.

"So? Can I talk to you upstairs Aria?" Adam questioned.

"Uh, down here is fine," I laughed nervously.

Adam shrugged his shoulders and smirked at me.

"So am I fucking you down here or what?" He chuckled.

I widened my eyes and looked at him, then to Justin. His eyes had finally met mine and I wanted to scream.

"Oh, you're banging her now?" Justin questioned with disgust on his face.

"Bro, chill, aren't you texting that Lizzy girl from the café anyways?" Adam asked.

I felt betrayed when Adam said that. I thought Justin and I clicked that night.

"Yeah, she wants to hang out with me tonight," he smiled, completely forgetting about Adams outburst.

"Cool, we can stay the night here. Tell her to swing by," Adam smirked at him.

"Actually," I dragged on. "I wasn't going to have company tonight. I wanted to spend time alone tonight."

Adam shrugged his shoulders and grabbed a handful of my popcorn.

"Well, doll. Plans change," he ended, stuffing his face.

The house got quiet for a bit before I put my focus to the television, pressing the play button.

After a while of watching tv, the doorbell rang and I got up to answer it.

"Aria? What are you doing here?" Lizzy questioned with confusion on her face.

"I live here. Uh, come on in, Justin is in here," I spoke, motioning her inside the house.

She followed me into the family room and as Justin looked up, a smile spread his lips.

"You made it!" He spoke, standing up and pulling her into a hug.

"Of course," she smiled.

I plopped down on the couch and stared at the tv, trying to block them out.

The whole night all there was was Lizzy and Justin laughing uncontrollably, and Adam trying to make moves on me. I would see Justin occasionally staring at me, then Lizzy would catch his attention and try to tease me with him.

Rolling my eyes, I turned to Adam who had been resting his hand on my thigh.


"So what?"

"Adam? What did you come over for?" I spat quietly.

"Let's go upstairs and I'll show you," he smirked.

I turned my head and looked over at Lizzy and Justin. They had both been lip locked.

Rolling my eyes, I looked back at Adam.

"Let's go then."

[A/N: Please excuse any mistakes. I just wanted to say, thank you so much for 6k
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