XVI » sixteen

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"Aria, wake up," Taylor spoke as she shook my shoulders.

I sat up and looked around.

"Where's Justin? And Adam?" I questioned, standing up from the floor and sitting on the couch.

"They left this morning. We tried waking you up, but you wouldn't budge. We made you breakfast. It's in the microwave if you want it."

"What do you mean they left this morning? It's what? Ten to say the least."

"It's practically three in the afternoon Aria," Taylor spoke. I widened my eyes, and stood up from the couch, making my way to the kitchen to get my breakfast. There had been eggs, bacon, and toast. Taking a bite of the bacon, I could immediately feel it coming back up, so I sprinted to the bathroom. A few seconds later, Taylor was in the bathroom with me, running her hand down my back as she held my hair that had managed to escape the bun.

"Are you okay?" Taylor questioned, and I lifted my head up and flushed the toilet.

"It's probably just the alcohol."

"Totally. You were so wasted last night, you could barely remember your own name." Taylor burst out laughing.

I grabbed a hold of the mouth wash and swished it around my mouth before spitting it into the sink.

"I don't remember anything from last night. It's all a blur," I spoke, walking into my room to take a seat on the bed.

"Well," she dragged on with a smile on her face. "Adam and I kissed," she spoke enthusiastically. I flashed a half smile at her and fiddled with my fingers.

"What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy for me."

"No, no, I am happy. I just don't feel right," I spoke, grabbing a hold of my phone.

"Maybe you just need to get all that alcohol out of your system. I'll go make some coffee," Taylor spoke, walking out of my room.

I look down at my phone and unlocked it, immediately going to Peeps. I had a bunch of messages from Bizzle.

(8) New Notifications: Smallviller

Smallviller: Wyd tonight?

Smallviller: I'm bored. Hanging with a couple of friends.

Smallviller: Talk to me.

Smallviller: I know you can't be sleeping already.

Smallviller: I just look like a stalker sending you all these messages.

Smallviller: *Currently waiting for a reply*

Smallviller: Cammieeee

Smallviller: I guess I'm just gonna crash. Night sweetie.

I felt guilty, reading all his messages, but a part of me loved how eager he was to talk to me.

Camryn17: I had this party thing, my phone was upstairs the entire time and I got completely wasted. I think I'm having amnesia.

Bizzle immediately read the Peep message, and typed in his response.

Smallviller: It's fine. :) but guess what?

Camryn17: What?

Smallviller: I missed you. :)

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