X » ten

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After the get together was over, Jesse dropped Adam and I off and went his separate way.

I was in my room alone just playing a game on my phone. It was around five P.M and I couldn't have been more lonely. I was patiently waiting for a response from Bizzle to peep me, but it was coming slower than I had hoped.

As I played the game on my phone, I heard a knock on the door. I smiled in excitement as I raced down the stairs. Hopefully it was Grams and Gramps coming over to give me the company that I truly desired. It's been awhile since I've seen them.

Without asking who was at the door, I opened it in hopes that it was them.


"Hey Aria."

"Mr. Bieber?" I choked out. "What are you doing here?"

He smiled at me and placed his hand on my shoulder, pushing me back so he could have access into the house, shutting the door behind him.

"You know I like it when you call me daddy, kitten." He spoke. "But I came over here to give you something."

He reached in his back pocket and pulled out a folded piece of mail that read Keith Sullivan, my dad's name.

"This was in our mailbox, I was stopping by to give it to you," he spoke, putting a hand on my hip.

I slowly moved his hand and looked at him.

"You could've just put in our mailbox," I respond nervously.

Jeremy took a step closer and placed his other hand on my hip, moving me around as he pleased.

"I wanted to see you. You know I've missed you Kitten. I missed the way you felt against my skin," He confessed, traveling his hands down my thigh and making it to my inner thigh. I closed my eyes as my belly began to flutter. "I know you miss me too. You miss the way I can make you feel. The way I can make your body tingle. No boy can do that for you. No boy can make you feel how I can make you feel," He spoke, slowly guiding me to the staircase.

"Jeremy, this is bad. I told you last time that we had to stop this. I can't risk anyone finding out. Neither can you. Think about your family. Think about Pattie."

"I am thinking about them Kitten. They'd want me to be happy," He replied as we both slowly walked upstairs.

He knew excatly where my bedroom was, considering this wasn't the first time. Hell, it wasn't the second time either.

"You should want daddy happy, right Kitten? You know how daddy gets angry when you upset him."

I looked at him for what felt like forever. I didn't want to give in, but he was right. No guy has ever made me feel the way he could.

"I'm sorry daddy. I don't mean to be a bad girl. I know you hate that. You want me to be good to you, to obey everything you say. Right daddy?" I questioned.

We had made it into my room and now we were both standing in the middle of the floor.

"Right, now get on your knees and make daddy happy, Kitten."

I did as told and got on my knees, slowly undoing his belt while I made eye contact with him, he loved when I did that.

After I got his belt undone and his pants and boxers were successfully on the floor, I grabbed a hold of his shaft into my hand before I slowly kissed the tip of him.

"Don't tease daddy, Kitten, you know how it makes me feel," He spoke, but I ignored his words and did as I pleased.

Kissing the top of him again while I looked him in the face, I could tell it made him angry. Me disobeying is words were one thing he wouldn't stand for.

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