XIII » thirteen

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Grams and I talked for what seemed like forever, but the good forever. She and I had a bond I didn't share with anyone else. Grams got me on a level where no one else could, and that made me feel special. The way both of us connected.

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out my phone and checked to see if I had a new peep message, but there was nothing, again. I could feel my face frown even more and I just wanted to get up and scream. I wanted to scream as loud as my lungs could take, but my throat was dry. If I'd try to scream, nothing would come out but small cracks of disordered sounds and screeching. So I just kept my head down. Hoping; praying that he'd reply soon.

"Waitin' for someone special to send you a message, darling?" Grams questioned pouring me my second cup of coffee. Grams' coffee with butter biscuits and syrup was my favorite thing, and that was what we were having.

"No," I replied flat out. "Just checking the time."

"Aria, you don't have to be afraid to tell me what's wrong. You've checked your phone at least eight times in the last fifteen minutes. Maybe the person fell asleep. Think outside the box," Grams reassured.

I nodded my head and Grams sat the fresh cup of coffee in front of me, along with another biscuit smothered in syrup, exactly how I liked it.

Peeling at the biscuit, layer by layer, I watched Grams get back into her game mode. I couldn't help but smile.

"Grams, I think I'm going to go to sleep now. I think I'll feel a lot better when I wake up," I confessed.

Grams turned to me and looked at me above her bifocal lenses. "Okay darling. The guest bedroom is fixed up, fresh sheets. Just go up there and get comfortable."

I nodded my head and stood up from the chair and walked over to the stairs. Before walking up, I turned to look at Grams. She'd been so focused on her game again. Like a hawk watching its prey. I didn't know what it was, the reason I loved seeing her so into her computer screen, but it was something about it.

"I love you Grams," I whispered. I knew she wouldn't be able to hear me, but it's like I could feel the love ricochet off of her and back to me.

When I got to the guest room, I took off my shoes and pulled back the blanket and laid down. My phone dinged in my back pocket and I quickly got it out to see what it was.

(2) New Notifications: Smallviller

I quickly unlocked my phone and went to the Peeps app.

Smallviller: Cammie, that's pretty old. He can get into tons of trouble for that.

Smallviller: Just be careful. Sorry I took so long to reply. My brother and I went out and played basketball with a couple of friends.

I frowned at his messages. I mean, I didn't need anyone telling me how wrong it was, because I knew it was terrible. I knew we needed to stop, but I've never been good under pressure. Plus Jeremy and I really did like each other in the beginning.

Camryn17: Where I live, the age of consent is sixteen, so it's not like it was illegal, because it wasn't. I gave him full permission, and I was sixteen.

Smallviller: Well, I'm sure it's more than just being sixteen. There's a certain number of years older your partner can be as well.

I read his message and rolled my eyes. I didn't need him giving me a lesson on my life choices, especially not my sexual partners.

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