XV » fifteen

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"Do I look okay? I don't wanna look like I'm trying too hard, but I don't want to look like I'm too nerdy," Taylor complained as she turned to the side to admire her petit figure. The body I envied.

"You look fine," I shrugged. Throwing my hair into a bun. Taylor had curled her hair to add more volume, she told me.

"Come on Ari, you know I'm looking for something more than just fine. After all these years of crushing on him, I want tonight to be the night he takes notice of me," she replied, pulling up her skin tight dress to the hem of her butt.

"You do know you didn't have to get all dressed up like that? A simple pair of sweats and a tank top would get the job done just as much."

"Oh stop. You and I both know I've always wore baggy clothes. My dad would kill me if he could see me in this. But it's time to take risks, right? I'm a seventeen year old girl who's never done anything wrong, I wanna live dangerously for a change."

"I like the responsible, quiet, Taylor. What's going to happen to her?"

"Oh hunny, she's long gone," she replied, applying red lipstick to her plumped lips.

As I watched her complete her make up, there was a knock on the door.

I stood up from the bed at headed downstairs, leaving Tay in the room.

"Coming," I yelled as I sprinted down the steps.

When I opened the door, it was Adam and Justin with two water bottles and a six pack of Coke.

"Hey," I said to no one in particular, Adam looked at me and stepped around me and set the drinks onto the coffee table while Justin stood in front of me at the door.

"Hey Ari," he replied, stepping into the house, I shut the door behind him and we both walked into the family room. "You left the other day. Why?" He questioned, taking off his jacket. I turned to look at Adam who'd been pouring himself a drink of the clear substance and mixing it with the Coke. He had a smile painted on his face.

"Uh, something came up," I lied. "I wasn't really feeling that great so I went over to my grandparents' house. They took care of me."

Justin smiled at me and took a seat on the sofa.

"That's good."

I nodded my head and watched as Justin poured a drink.

"Where's Taylor?" Adam question.

"She's just upstairs. I'll go get her."

I quickly dashed up the stairs and straight for my room. Taylor had been sitting on the bed with her head slouched over, crying.

"Oh my gosh, Taylor what's wrong?" I questioned, racing over to her.

"Who am I kidding? Adam isn't interested in me. He likes you. He's always liked you. He wouldn't give me a second glance if you and I weren't friends. I got all dressed up for him hoping to please him, but I'm not you. He doesn't want to see me. He wants you," she cried. Her mascara had been running down her pale cheeks and I grabbed a Kleenex to clean up her face.

"Oh stop that. Adam couldn't be the least bit interested in me. He hates me. Plus, he asked for you to come over. So obviously he's looked your way. He told you that you were good looking too. Stop crying. Let's get you cleaned up," I replied, pulling her hand and dragging her to my bathroom.

Taylor and I removed most of her make up, settling only on eyeliner and mascara. I preferred her like this because you could see the freckles that were formed on her nose and on her cheek bones. We changed her outfit into some black leggings and a white crop top and I braided her hair into a single braid to the back with hair falling out on both sides.

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