XXIII » twenty-three

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The day went by incredibly quick, and I was regretting it. Fewer people were coming into the shop, so I knew it would be time to close up. Pulling my phone out of my back pocket, I opened Peeps to message Bizzle, but I had already had a message from him. It was time stamped two hours ago, but I'm sure he'd understand the delay in my responses.

Smallviller: Do you ever feel like you never will be good enough for someone? You could go into space and hand pick a star just for them, and they still wouldn't appreciate you?

Camryn17: Or you secretly have feelings for them, but you know deep down, they would never see you in that way?

I replied and set my phone down on the counter, leaning up against it. The clock of the wall softly ticked and I watched as the hands quickly circled the clock. I was dreading this night. Leaving here to go to Adam's place was the last thing I wanted to do. He didn't mind mentally stabbing you with his words. His words were sharp enough to leave scars, but he didn't care what he said to you. Adam is heartless and he was the person I feared most, besides myself. He held my future, my life in his hands and at any given moment, he could play his cards, and I'd be ruined. As my eyes continued to stare at the tickling clocks hands, my phone buzzed on top of the counter, so I picked it up.

Smallviller: Exactly. I know this may be weird, but I stare at myself in the mirror telling myself I'm handsome enough, and I'm fortunate enough, and that I'm capable of love, but then when I see her, she's always showing interest in another guy. Like I'm invisible.

Camryn17: You're not invisible. I promise. Maybe she genuinely doesn't know you're interested in her. I mean have you even tried to make it clear?

Smallviller: I tell her how beautiful she is. We flirt all the time and when she's around me, I can tell she's nervous. I just don't know why she doesn't give me the time of day.

Camryn17: Maybe she's waiting for you to make the first move. Ask her on a date. Brb, closing up.

Sliding my phone into my pocket, I made sure everything had been done correctly before I locked the doors. The walk was quiet. No distractions, just me and the summer breeze. I didn't even bother going home first. I went straight to Adam's. Better to get this over sooner than later.

I softly knocked on the door and Justin opened it.

"Aria? Hey. Uh, come on in," he spoke nervously. I smiled at him and he allowed me access into the house. "Anything I can help you with?"

"Uh, yeah. Is Adam here?"

"Oh, Adam," he paused, shoving his hands in his pocket. "Yeah. Yeah, he's in his room. I'm sure he wouldn't mind you going up."

"Thanks," I replied, walking towards the stairs and walking up them. Each step my legs felt heavier and heavier. I did not want to be faced with him but I had no choice.

I stood outside his door contemplating on whether I should go in or not. I even turned around and headed for the stairs, but then I turned back around. Standing outside his door, I lightly knocked on it.

"Who is it?" Adam yelled angrily.

I swallowed hard and took a step back.

"Uh, Aria. It's Aria."

It didn't take him long to open the door, and once he did, he motioned me over to the bed.

"I thought you said everyone was going to be gone?"

Adam shut the door and walked over to me, taking a seat on the bed.

"Last minute changes. They're going tomorrow."

I nodded my head and locked my hands together in my lap.

"I'm happy you came," he smiled.

"I mean, it's not like I had a choice in the matter. I had to come," I giggled nervously.


We both sat there for a while as Adam's eyes hungrily scanned my body. I want to scream. I felt so uncomfortable under his gaze and I just wanted to get up and leave.

"You look beautiful today Aria," Adam spoke in a whisper.

"Thanks," I replied, meaninglessly. "I don't mean to be rude, but why did you tell me to come here. What is it you want from me?"

"I can show you a hell of a lot better than I can tell you."

[A/N: Short chapter, but I had to update.]

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