IV » four

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As I looked at myself in the mirror I smiled. I looked decent, pretty to say the least. I never thought I was ugly, just never as pretty as all the other girls I've seen. Picking up my phone, I took a quick picture. I could hear Adam yell up the stairs.

"Hurry, we don't have all day!"

I rolled my eyes, and grabbed my lipstick and glided it over my lips. As I continued to ready myself, my phone buzzed. I picked it up and noticed it was a notification from Peeps.

Smallviller: Sorry, It took so long to reply. My mom was telling my brother and I something. Anyways, about this girl. My brother is always being so mean to her. I try to stick up for her and all but then my brother always suspects that I like her so I say something to make him think I don't and she only ever hears the bad parts.

Furrowing my brows, I quickly type in a reply.

Camryn17: Why should it matter what he thinks about you liking her?

Smallviller: Well because it's pretty obvious that he likes her too.

If that was the case? Why is he mean to her? I questioned myself, slowly walking to the staircase as I typed in a reply.

Camryn17: Ah, so why hasn't one of you made a move? Is it a good guy bad guy thing? You think he's mean to her because he likes her or is it because you don't want to go after someone he likes? Sounds to me like he's a jerk, so most likely she doesn't like him.

Smallviller: I guess so. I mean I don't want to mess up any chances he has with her. I'm not totally sure she doesn't like him, they use to be friends.

He replied quickly.

"Finally, we've been waiting for you for the longest time," Adam whined.

"I was literally only up there for five minutes," I replied with squinted eyes, turning to look at Justin. He raised his hands in defense.

"You were his friend, not me."

"I just wish the both of you would just shut up so we could leave."

Without saying anything in reply, I looked at Adam.

"We're taking your dad's car. Your car is horrendous. I wouldn't be caught dead in that piece of shit," Adam chuckled.

"Well, I'm driving, I don't even the least of bit trust you behind the wheel of my dad's car."

"I wouldn't trust him either," Justin added.

"Well, get the keys so we can go!" Adam shouted in aggravation, making me jump.

Without saying anything, I grabbed the keys off the key hook and we all walked out of the house and piled into the car.

"I don't even know why you drove. You don't even know the directions," Adam huffed.

"Which is why you're in the passenger seat to direct me to our destination."

"Yeah, whatever."

I turned the radio on as we drove, and drove and drove. I listened to Adam's directions, and I couldn't be more positive that we were lost.

"Are you sure this is the right way? We're in the middle of nowhere," I huffed.

"It's just up there. Make a right," he instructed.

I clicked my blinker on just as he had said, and I made a right turn.

"Park right here, we'll walk the rest of the way," Adam informed.

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