III » three

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Without replying, I clicked his user name and ventured over to his profile. He had a ton of peeps, almost like everyone knew who he was. While I explored his page, the grey banner on the side of his name, indicating that he and I were now peeps. I smiled, and noticed I was already peeping him. His profile picture had been a group of people. The Justice League from a show called Smallville.

His screen name was Bizzle, and his about me was I'm Canadian. I mentally smiled, considering I was also Canadian.

After I was finished looking at his Peep profile, I went back to the peep message to reply.

Camryn17: Thank you. :).

I waited for him to reply, but he hadn't responded as quickly as he did the last time.

From: Tay

Hey Ari. What's up chica?

My notifications rang. I clicked the message bar which immediately took my to the messages.

To: Tay

I'm on Peeps

I replied, waiting for a reply from her.

From: Tay

Yeah! I was going to ask you about that. Why'd you unpeep me? -_-

I smiled at her message, and sent one back.

To: TayTay:

I didn't. Well I did but only because I deactivated my account.

I waited for a typing bubble to show up, but it didn't so I went back on Peeps, to read people's peepers. It was really the main thing I did on here. I would occasionally make them, but that rarely happened. My life wasn't interesting enough.

Smallviller: No problem, but you still haven't told me why you think magic is the only hope for you.

Camryn17: Well, because I have not found my Prince Charming yet.

Smallviller: In my defense, you're only 17. Right?

His message read, as I typed my response, Taylor texted back, so I went to her message.

From: Tay

Why would you do that? You were the main person to repeep my peepers.

Taylor messaged back.

To: Tay

Sorry. I made a new one though. You might not want to follow it this time.

Camryn17: 17, yes.

As I switched between messaging Taylor and Smallviller on Peeps, time began to fly by. When I checked the time, I noticed it had already been past midnight. Taylor had eventually stopped replying, so I assumed she'd fallen asleep. She was pretty upset when I told her that I had made a fake Peeps Profile at first, but then she said it was up to me to do what I wanted. The guy from Peeps and I kept peeping each other. We had managed to get onto the topic of liking people, and I completely went along with it.

Smallviller: I completely understand. I wouldn't say I'm hot shit, but I think I'm okay looking and the girl I'm interested in, couldn't be the least bit interested in me.

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