"I don't see any problem with giving the patient some fresh air, regardless who accompanies him, you have advised so yourself. I'm afraid I can't help you with their location either."

"Then tell me the names of the guards you sent with them, I'll call them and ask them." I said.

"There aren't any." He replied and my blood boiled.

"What?! So, you send guards when he's with his doctor but when he's with a random nurse you fully trust her with him?!" I go back to yelling again.

"Yes, Ms. Striker because in the last few weeks you've proved that he hasn't needed it. Now enough of this useless issue. Get back to your work." He said.

"He is my work!" I yelled before storming out of his office.

I was seething with anger. God, what am I supposed to do now?! Where the fuck could she have taken him anyway?! Ugh, one of these days I'm going to slap her so hard her blonde dye's going to drop off.I looked at my watch and it was 12:00pm. What the fuck could they be doing so early?! I then headed to my office and checked the computer for places they could've went to within the perimeter. After about an hour of looking, I found nothing. I shut down the computer and slid back in my chair. All of a sudden I felt the room getting warmer and warmer, making it more and more harder to breathe. Everything seemed to just close in. I was starting to feel suffocated when I decided I needed some air.

I made my way out of the asylum and walked towards the mainroad. After I reached there I remembered the first time I walked out here and headed to Regency Park. I took in my surroundings for a moment and decided to head there. I made my way to the park and at some point I started running. I ran as fast as I could. I ran faster than I would've if there was something threatening me. I just needed a break. I feel like she's getting closer to him than I ever was and the closer she gets, the farther I'm pushed.

I stopped running when I found myself in the middle of the park and stood, resting my hands on my knees. After catching my breath I made my way towards a bench to my left and took a seat. I bent over and rest my face in my hands and let out I sigh I didn't know I was holding before my whole body started trembling. I let the stress and the worry take over me and started crying. I felt like everything I have worked for was falling apart. I was overthinking and I let my mind lead to the worst scenarios. But I couldn't help but feel like part of it was true.

"Eva..?" I heard and I lifted my head from my hands. I quickly sniffed and wiped away a tear that was still on my cheek.

"Jack." I replied surprised as I looked up and found him in front of me.

"What's going on?" Natalie's voice soon followed. I straightened up and she was standing behind him.

"Eva!" She gasped. Oh, kill me now.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I was just about to ask the same of you guys.." I mummbled.

"Oh well, Jack was bored and I decided to take him out for a bit." She said and I looked over to Jack who had his eyebrows furrowed and was still frowning at me.

"How did you find out about this place?" I turned back to Natalie.

"Oh, I didn't, Jack drove us here." She replied.

"He drove?!" I asked.

"Yeah ever since we went out last week and he wanted to try driving us back, he's been great at it." She explained.

Last week?! They went out last week?! Wait, did she just say he's been great at it?! Every time I rode with him I always had to say my set of prayers and practically pry the seat's leather out with my nails!

His Last Joke (Sequel to His Last Laugh)Where stories live. Discover now