Chapter Twenty Three

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After finishing up the fudge, Harry started to pack some bags. He decided that it would be best if he went home early for the holidays. As Harry finished packing some things, he started to feel rather unwell. Ignoring the sick feeling, he grabbed his keys, his bags, and left the dorm. Walking down the long hall, Harry grew somewhat dizzy. Harry started to walk faster then, hoping to get to his car without collapsing...


"So you're not going on the trip with me?" Avin asked, writing in a notebook at his desk. Louis was in Avin's dorm, and the two were talking about the Carowinds trip.

"Yeah..." Louis said with a sigh, hesitant on whether he should sit on Avin's bed or not. Who knows what kinds of diseases are partying there...

"Don't worry, I only get down and dirty on Talieh's bed." Avin lied with a dry laugh, glancing at Louis. Slowly, Louis took a seat on the bed. "Anyway, why exactly won't you come with me? I'll pay for everything." Avin said, still writing in his notebook.

"Money isn't the issue." Louis revealed, running a hand through his hair. "I just want to focus on getting Harry back right now." Avin nodded slowly, still writing...

"Okay." Avin answered simply, closing his notebook. Louis quirked an eyebrow.

"You're not gonna argue with me?" Louis asked in surprise, getting up from the bed. Avin shrugged.

"No, there's no point." he said calmly. "If you can't go, you can't go." Louis was shocked.

For once, his brother didn't argue with him about not wanting to do something.

"Well, I'll drive you to the airport." Louis told his brother, putting a hand on his shoulder. "It's the least I could do since I won't be going with you."


Luckily, Harry had made it to his Vauxhall without any issues. The ride to his family's house was less than an hour away from the university, and he was more than thankful. While driving, Harry could barely focus. There was this scratchy feeling in his throat, his stomach felt as if it would explode, and his eyes were burning.

"Just ten more minutes..." Harry thought, trying to keep driving towards home instead of stopping somewhere. He was beginning to feel worse, but he tried not to give it too much thought.

He figured he was just getting a cold or something...

But just as Harry started to cough up blood, he realized the severity of the matter.

Something was highly wrong...

Harry wanted to cry. He was coughing so much, but he had to get home. Nearly colliding into numerous drivers, Harry actually began sobbing.

"What is happening to me...?!" Harry shouted as he cried, coughing up more blood. Thankfully, he made it home.

Harry rushed to park the car, immediately got out clutching his stomach, and ran to the front door. He was still coughing up so much blood as he pounded on the door, forgetting about the doorbell. Instantly, the door was answered by his mum. Her face fell instantly once she saw he son's condition.

"Mum-" Harry began, but was cut off as he passed out. Anne quickly caught Harry before he went to the ground, and she shouted for her husband to call an ambulance.

Anne cried loudly as she carried Harry into the house, her clothes getting some of Harry's blood on it.


"Why are you still here?" Zayn asked Liam, his tone light. Liam gave him a confused look. "I mean, you obviously feel bad for what went down in your dorm earlier, so why don't you go and make things right?" Zayn asked, lying down on his bed.

Liam sighed. "Just because I talked about the situation, doesn't mean I want to fix it." Liam huffed, avoiding Zayn's stare. "Harry's a little bitch..."

"Finally, Lima Bean has become less idiotic!" Casper shouted, coming from the bathroom naked. Zayn groaned and Liam rolled his eyes.

"Put some clothes on, you twig." Liam snarled, looking away.

"Yeah, Casper." Zayn agreed, closing his eyes. "I'm tired of seeing your hiddeous prick." Casper scoffed as he dried off and got dressed.

"You don't call it hiddeous when you're sucking and choking on it." Casper retorted, finished dressing. Liam raised his eyebrows.

"You've got me mistaken with someone else." Zayn replied, flipping Casper off.

"I sure hope so, dammit." Liam grumbled, giving Zayn a quick kiss. "I'm going back to my dorm now." Liam murmured into Zayn's ear, and Zayn flashed his eyes open.

"No," Zayn begged, wrapping himself around Liam. "Please stay?" As soon as Liam said okay, Casper gagged.

"Ugh, I feel like I'm in some kind of crappy teenage show." Casper said, grumpily getting into his bed.


While Louis drove to the airport, Avin was contemplating on actually going on his planned trip, or setting his his actual plans into motion. He decided that he would make Louis think that he got on a plane to America, but really he'd be in a secret location preparing for his plans...

Finally at the airport, Louis took Avin's second bag and carried it for him. As the twins walked through the large building, they were stared at. Many girls were gawking at them, and some guys tried to hide the fact that they were looking. Louis ignored the stares, but Avin thrived off of them. Avin smirked at winked at some of the people, and soon he and Louis stopped walking.

"Alright, I'm gonna go now," said Louis, taking Avin's bag from off of his shoulders. "Have fun on your trip, and tell me all about it when you get back." Avin nodded, giving Louis a fake hug.


"Whatever kind of fight you've got in you, bring it out..." Anne whispered into Harry's ear, her voice pleading. "Stay with us, Harry... you're too young to die..." cried Anne, wiping her tears.

Harry's father, Robin, tried to stay strong in order to be able to comfort Anne, but he was crying just as much. Harry was out cold as the doctors rushed and worked on him. One of the doctors walked up to Harry's parents with a serious expression.

"Your son has severe poisoning... We don't know if he can ever recover..." said Dr. Ralph, giving Anne and Robin a devastated look. "It will be a miracle if he does..."

A miracle indeed...

Inscrutable ¬ Larry *Punk Harry*Where stories live. Discover now