Unbelievable -Chapter 13-

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I lay on a chair at the edge of a yacht basking in the brilliant sun watching trees smooth by. I had no idea how I got here, but I felt too good to do anything to change it. I decided to stand up when I heard a thunderous roar of water near the front of the yacht.

As I stepped closer -being careful not to fall off- I noticed no one was at the steering wheel. I arrived at the face of the boat, my heart began to race as fear tumbled through my veins. Just a few yards away the beginning of an endless waterfall had its jaw wide open, enchanting the gliding boat to come even closer.

I panicked, I went to the tiller and searched for the key on the helm. My hand reached for the key as the boat entered the mouth of the waterfall, turning at a right angle, I toppled over and had the need to say four words making sure I heard his name ring in my ears for the last time. "I love you ....."

My eyes were shocked open, I jolted up feeling like I was brought back to life from a terrible dream, but I awakened to a living nightmare.

My surroundings were pitch black. I forced my eyes to adjust to where I could at least see an outline of things. I seemed to be sitting on a uncomfortable mattress. I kept my mouth shut not wanting to alarm- or awaken- anything that could be here. My eyes were attracted to the dim ray of moonlight coming from the only window, my feet soon followed it.

My head felt like a cyclone when I stood up, spinning at top speed I lost balance. I fell back down on the mattress, the springs screeching as I bounced.

"Hey who's there?" A voice broke the chilling silence, my heart skipped a beat. My eyes followed the voice to the opposite side of the room I barely saw the outline of a man sitting on what seemed to be the twin to my mattress.

I felt the sudden urge to prove the courageous woman I am. "I am Violet." I began strong. "Where am I and who are you?!?" I failed miserably and shouted at the stranger, my wall of courageousness had its leaks.

"I'm as clueless as you seem to be. My names Antonio." He shuffled as the silence fell back on the moment.

I traveled back remembering to how I arrived to this awful present time.

I remembered the moist cloth that appeared out of no where, covering the clean air my lungs needed, the more I inhaled the weaker my body grew. I shook my head, concentrating on the current moment.

"Where are we??" My voice stricken with dismay.

"Somewhere dark." His voice perceived my ears.

"How did you get here?" I paused. "Or rather why are we even here?"

"I don't have a great memory of how I arrived here, or even why I'm here, do you remember any of it?"

I shook my head not wanting to hear it for myself. "Well... someone informed me that a queen wanted me to stay away from someone. I did not take this information seriously. But he also -indirectly- warned me I was going to be kidnapped." I said my last word too lightly.

"That's very.. interesting."

"You're not going to hurt me, right?" It was a question I felt compelled to ask.

"I would need somebody to go through whatever is yet to come. Hurting you is not on my list of things to do." He joked, lightening the dark mood.

I used my feet to grope the cold black floor, trying to follow his voice.

"Wait!" I immediately stopped. "You're not planning on going berserk on me, are you?" Antonio questioned.

I laughed without humor tasting a fowl acid in the tip of my tongue. "Of course not." I said as sincere as I could possibly manage in this situation.

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