Challenge officially accepted!

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Hey people, now I can’t keep you waiting too long right...i mean I love you guys so much, so here’s the new chapter. It’s a little short but its better than nothing right? Enjoy reading…


As soon as my eyes met his, I had a stupid sensation of butterflies flying in my stomach. I was really thankful to God that the bell rang.

Else you would have lost his challenge.

Shut up you freaking bitch, I did not accept his challenge.

Yes you did.


With that stupid argument that I had with my own stupid brain, I left the room as quick as possible with all my stuff and trust me I literally ran like a freak in the hallway searching for Jessica. She met me near my locker; from there we started moving towards the math class. we stopped mid way as Jessica questioned me  “Why were you running like your pant was on fire?”

“I was excited to attend math with you!”

Seriously you suck at lying, what an excuse!! Excited to attend math with you? What was that?!

“You know you suck in lying right?”

“I’m not lying.” I whined

“You are, see your eyes are wide and you just whined!”

“No I am not.”

“Yes babe you are.”

I kept staring at her and she pulled one eyebrow upwards giving me a look that said ‘you really think you can fool me? You’re wrong!’

I finally had to give up

“Ok I’ll tell you about it later, let’s go before we’re late!” I sighed.

We entered the class and to my surprise the class had already begun. Jessica sneaked into the class while I stood there dumbfounded. Jessica turned around after she sat on her seat and looked at me and mouthed ‘Are you stupid!’ I stared at her and to the teacher again who was busy writing something on the board and back at her. ‘Sneak in fast!’ she mouthed to me. I still stood there, then my brain worked and I started walking in, guess what my luck was….pathetic, he turned as soon as I entered he turned!

“Well hello Miss” he said that more like asking me my name.

“Emily” I said.

As soon as I said my name somebody coughed hard. I dint bother to turn.

“So you are new here?”


“Well that gives you a benefit, you can go and have your seat…there might be a possibility that you did not get the class right?” saying thus he smiled.

I gave him a weak smile and nodded vigorously as if trying to show him that whatever he said was true.

As I started walking to sit besides Jessica he called out and said, “May be you should sit besides Drake, he’s good at math and can really help you out with my subject and the way I teach.”

I turned and looked at him with wide eyes.

Did he just say that Drake was good at math? Why God why! Why does this silly Drake need to have all the qualities that I have! OH BOY, I’M FALLING FOR HIM ALL OVER AGAIN!

Oh will you please shut up?!

After my scolding session that I had twice in just half an hour (weird) I looked at Drake who was giving me the ‘FAMOUSE SMIRK!’ I decided to ignore his annoying smirk and sat beside him. As soon as the math sir turned, guess what he didn’t even introduce himself, anyways as soon as he turned I heard a whisper from Drake “you are sooo loosing this challenge.”

From my heart to yours (Editing in progress)Where stories live. Discover now