Embarrassed, it's a small word.

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here it is the pic of THE BFF >>>


Oh god admiring the butterfly is now costing me a lot. What was I even thinking? Who is this guy behind me? Is her here to kidnap me? I don't want to be kidnapped! I was thinking to myself when I heard a familiar voice "Hey dude, you..." he stopped. At that moment the hands went off my waist and I felt little air brush over me as the person behind me turned swiftly. "Dude what's going on there?" I heard from my back, my body was still shocked and I wasn't moving but the voice was of Tristan that much I understood. "Emy is that you over there?" now I turned on that question. I just looked at him with wide eyes. There was a guy in between us facing Tristan. He had an awesome back...I was taking in his V-back when a voice from the back of my brain shouted; you are drooling over him when Tristan is right there and is looking at you at the moment. This snapped me out of my thoughts and I replied to Tristan "yeah"

"Emy, I thought you were with Jessica."

"Well I was-but my phone-butterfly-hands-his voice-shiver" I said half words and half sentences and I ha definitely turned red. I placed my face in my palms out of embarrassment.

"Dude she's hot" I heard the husky voice again. I literally started imagining how he must be looking from the front, he was definitely sexy from the back. Great now you have turned to a pervert!

"Emy I think you can stay with us then, I can't just let you go like this in the middle of woods, you wouldn't find the way." Tristan said with concern filled in his voice.

I just nodded yes to him.

Then Tristan looked towards the guy with 'oh so sexy body and husky voice' and said, "Buddy I know you can never be angry on me, you don't like Blake but this is so irrational you have never even spoken to him once, don't you think you should give him a chance? Why are you killing yourself in this silly alcohol stuff, you were the one who would say 'alcohol is not my thing' remember!"

So this is his BFF. Emily you are surrounded by really sexy guys. Tristan, Blake, Martin, Jones and now the BFF!

"For you and for once and the only one time, I will give him a chance."

I heard the BFF speak with a rather cold voice, I didn't like that, his husky voice was better!

"Great" said Tristan but before he could say something else I saw THE BFF fall down and he passed out and then he was down holding his head and his eyes were closed.

"Hey dude are you ok?" Tristan shouted.

"Emy I guess I need your help here."

I ran towards him and helped him.

One hand of the BFF was around my shoulder and the other around Tristan. We walked for around 2 minutes and reached the falls. The guy was pretty heavy and was difficult for me to hold on and walk with his weight on me. But I managed somehow. As we reached the falls I saw Jessica, wait was she crying? "Emily, OMG I thought I would never find you!" she screamed and came running to me. Blake helped Tristan to carry away the guy. I looked at Jessica confused. I had never seen a friend so much concerned about me or my existence. She pulled me in a hug and said "I am so sorry, I didn't even realize when I left you behind" I saw tears in her eyes. "Jessica I am fine, it's ok, besided the BFF's found me." I said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh Emily, you are really close to my heart I know we have met just a little while ago but I have heard so much about you, when you and Aqua would chat on facebook sometimes I were around and could feel the love between you two, I am too attached to you and I know a lot about you, I know this is weird but honestly speaking even before you came here I made up my mind that you would be the one and only best friend I would have!"

From my heart to yours (Editing in progress)Where stories live. Discover now