From my heart to yours

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Hey there people!

This is niviaaru bringing you a NEW STORY

well i thought about it a lot and finally came to the conclusion that i must finally upload a few unfinished stories of mine. i want to see what response i get for the story. I am totally a newbe at this stuff, so please bear with me (lol) anyways have fun reading!

Oh yeah don't forget to comment and vote.

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Emily is a seventeen year old girl who has live all her life in foster care. but there is a twist in her llife when she gets to live with "somebody which she would be happy with" as said by Mrs. Smith her current foster parent. she is about to know everything about her parents and herself a little more than what she already does. in this journey she meet Drake!

read through AND join emily in revealing all the secrets of past and how she lives her present with drake and the new 'somebody'.

well you will know how drake is only when u read the story but trust me, emily is going to have a bad time with him.. ..

COVER: Leedbookie

From my heart to yours (Editing in progress)Where stories live. Discover now