New home, old attchments

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This story is the very first draft posted by me and in fact is the very first attempt of writing a story by me. There will be a lot of gramatical errors.




Don't wory Emily, you won't be thrown out of the house for setting the kitchen on fire while making dinner right?

Well of course they would you stupid girl, were you out of your mind?

Alright so I really hate it, my mind always speaks the bitter truth!


There she shouts again my name. Well here I am in the darkest corner of my room 'trying' to hide . Thanks to mr. tuti (thats my teddy).I always held on to tuti when I am scared and trust me right now I am shit scared. If this time I am thrown out it would be the tenth time in the 2 years. Oh come on I am a teenager stop judging me of course I am totally careless! It's my right to be that way. Mrs. Smith is very sweet until she is angry, trust me her anger is not something you would ever like to see, ever. I can mess up with anything but the kitchen she loves cooking and kitchen is her favorite room in the whole house. Oh of course you must be thinking how I ended up setting the kitchen on fire... NO I AM NOT TELLING YOU! I dont want to get embarassed.

"EMILY, come out right away!" This time I heard footsteps coming (well it was more like stomps of feet) ooooh she's angry.

of course you stupid girl you ended up setting her kitchen on fire!

I was snaped out of my scolds to myself when the door opened and there stood a red faced angry lady .She dragged me out of the place I was hiding and took tuti away from me and threw it on the floor. How dare she! mr. tuti im sooo sorry! but here I cant argue, it was my mistake. AND this is absolutly not the right time to mess with Mrs. Smith . She was a fat lady, and trust me by fat I mean waaay tooo fat but who cares she was a cute lady. She was wearing a white shirt and a blue long skirt that went even below her ankle. She was wearing her bathroom slippers (she thought they were comfi). Her eyes were red and they popped out. "EMILY.DID.YOU.SET.THE.KITCHEN.COUNTER.ON.FIRE?."

Ahem yeah well I exagerated myself,it was just the counter that was set on fire, oh come on she uses a gas stove when we can use induction stoves! Anyways I was shit scared at this moment. "Yes" I replied in such a timid voice, I barely heard myself. That was it, that was all she needed to hear. By now I was out of the house with all my things. I was on the porch, she asked me to wait here...there was 'somebody' who was supposed to come and pick me up. She came out in the porch and hugged me. Weird she was angry right? . She said that she would have never thrown me out of the house for a silly reason. " Hey Ems" well that's what she called me. "Look I am not angry on you, yes I was when I saw the kitchen counter but hey, I wanted to fix the new induction stove anyways" I chukled on that. "See darling somebody is coming to pick you up, I don't want you to leave so early but this is for your own good. You will be happy with them and you would be safe with them. " I kept staring at her. Then the next moment I was pulled in a motherly hug.

(AN: play the music now>>)

Myself and Mrs. Smith had turned out to be very close. I dont have friends, not even out here though I have lived here for six months now. May be I have never had great friends because I have changed schools a lot, living with foster parents, adjusting to new environment. I never got used to it. But with her, Mrs. Smith is really so sweet. She took real great care of me. Mrs. Smith had a daughter of my age, she lived with her father Mrs. Smith and her husband both had a legal separation. SHE HATED ME! MAY BE BECAUSE I HAD GROWN MORE CLOSER TO MRS. SMITH. After me and Mrs.Smith shared sweet silence she went in to call up and ask when would I be leaving, she wanted to have ice-cream with me.

This silent time which I spent by myself I have aways cherished. In this time I was able to imagine how my mother and father would have been. I looked more like my mother. I had my parents pictures with me. Well that is thanks to AQUA-ESHTAR. They were my mom's best friend. My mother had died after she gave me birth. It seems she was already informed that she was very weak to give me birth, but she insisted to bring me to the world. My father had died before I was born, just a few months before I was born in fact. He had a big estate, but he left my mother in great debts, and so she had to move in the small cottage that her mother owned. I was born in that cotage. Now you must be thinking how come I know all this, well Aqua and Esthar were the people who took me into foster care for the first time. I lived with them for three years. They have a son but I don't remember a lot about him. It's weird I was so tiny when she told me all this but I still remember her words.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Mrs. smith called me. "Hey Ems, they'd be late so we can go for our ice-cream trip!" I smiled widely. But I was yet nervous new foster home, new environment, this is going to be more tuff now, since I am so attched to Mrs. Smith. I JUST HOPE THIS TIME I WOULD NOT MES UP!


Hey people,

i just want to know so far how the story has been

sugestions and comments are most welcomed!

please tell me should I continue or scrap this?

vote, share!!


From my heart to yours (Editing in progress)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz