Sweet ice cream, Sweet memories!

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Mrs. Smith asked me to get ready,  I was already outside wearing my converse. I was wearing light blue shorts and pink tank top. My hair were tied in a loose ponytail, I was too lazy to comb well. Mrs Smith changed into her cute summer dress. The weather here was quite  mild and i was loving the sun. We were walking together towards the ice cream parlor near by, it was owned by our neighbours. They were an old couple of around the age of 60. But they loved me and they always gave me double scoop!   I call them papa and mumma bear!  (umm i know i am very bad at nicknames) 

I had my best time, we even clicked pictures in my mobile, believe me this was the first time i ever did that. Papa and Mumma bear also clicked pictures with me, they are Indians and I am never able to pronounce their names so i decided to give my own names to them! I had a butterscotch scoop along with choco chips, while Mrs. Smith had her favorite mango ripple. 

After the sweet ice cream trip we came back to the house. Well it was just five minutes walk back. When we reached home I saw a car waiting. "Oh dear, they are already here!" Mrs. Smith exclaimed. I got nervous. Will they like me? Will i adjust with them? Will it hurt to say goodbye to Mrs. Smith after all the love she gave me? Will i really be happy with those people over there? All sorts of questiones popped in my mind making me even more nervous. I reached the porch and stared at the front door. No more am i going into the house and have the comfortable and safe hugs from Mrs. Smith.

"Ready to go Little Emy" I heard at my back. 'Little Emy' The voice seemed familiar. The name seemed so familiar! I turned around with confusion plastered on my face. When i turned, my eyes widdened, tears formed in my eyes, i was turning pink with excitement and all the mixed emotions, there she stood Aqua! She was still as beautiful as she was when i last saw her. Tears were already streaming down her cheeks when i saw her. She ran to me and gave me a hug. It was warm and i felt even more safe, safer than what i felt with Mrs. Smith. I had always had this connection with Aqua. Even though my foster homes changed I was always in touch with her. At least on facebook we were. Mrs. smith came and hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Ems, you'll be happy with her. I did not tell you but Tiara is coming to stay with me. I know she is not fond of you and you are not comfortable around her, I've seen it." Tiara was her daughter. "hmm" was all i said. That was when Aqua spoke breaking the little silence which was starting to surround us "Little Emy, remember I said that you will be living with us when the right time come?" she asked with a small smile. I nooded yes. "Well now is the right time darling, Mrs. Smith will be back with her family soon, you will be with us and there are so many things that i need to tell you. I have to complete the promises I made to your mother!"  I gave her a weak smile back. I was happy to see her but somehow leaving Mrs. Smith was becoming difficult for me. Mrs. Smith spoke up " dear I'll be happy with my family, you will be happy with them. I promise like Aqua i will be always there for you. In fact this weekend I'll come and meet you too." 

"really?" I asked. 

"Its a promise" she said.

we exchanged hugs and before I would leave i gave Mrs. Smith a gift, I gave her a sketch of a mother holding her baby's finger. "This is how tightly we are tied together" I said. Tears formed in our eyes, Aqua too had tears. After the last hugs ans kisses and gifts exchanged myself and Aqua left, back to the town from where all this began. 


Well well... so now finally Emily is recieving her share of love from life, lets see what happens next

(i know a short chapter but i am a little busy today! )

share, vote, comment!... suggestions toattly welcomed!

And yeah if at all anyone would like to share pictures of DRAKE the hidden character yet you can send me, I'll select the hottest or the cutest or the best guy! 


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