Life goes on, school begins.

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The grip of his hand was so tight, it was really hurting me but that was not what scared me, the thing that scared me was the intensity in his eyes as he looked deep in my eyes. I felt tingles in my spine, my stomach had a funny sensation like butterflies flying in them, his hand worked like some electronic device, I could literally feel shock waves! It was strange, yet I loved the sensation. Suddenly he left my hand and left the room. I was stood there, confused about what just happened. I touched my wrist where his fingers were gripped some time back. Funny, he literally distracted me for some time from all my thoughts about the past.

I went to the dining room after I washed my face and was a little calm, when I entered I saw that everyone by now were in a light mood and even my chest felt light like something really heavy was pushed away from my body.

We had our lunch and enjoyed the rest of the day. In the evening Mrs. Smith left and she promised that she would be in touch with me.


"Emy, I'm ready come down fast, we'll be late on our first day!"


Well it's been a month now to the cottage visit. The rest of the days were pretty boring, 'the gang' basically didn't meet a lot. I haven't seen Drake since then. But yes he has invaded my thoughts a lot of time and I must say I like that!  Blake has been hanging out with us as usual except that he still acts weird with me.  Jessica is officially now my best friend because guess what... she knows me more than me!

I'm not freaking out at all, though it's my first day at a new school AGAIN.

Trust me I usually freak out on my first day even though I should have been used to all the change of school stuff. May be this time I knew that I have friend here already and so I was pretty cool about being at school.

"Oh sis come on you look perfect no need to add up anything more, we are running late!," said Tristan as he entered my room with a look that said 'please move quick'

You must be thinking that this guy is a freak, who really wants to go to school let alone die to go to school; well he is excited to be there because apparently he is the captain of the soccer team and is really excited about his first day of captaincy.

I rolled my eyes at him and picked up my bag, I held his hand and said "ready?"

He looked at me confused. We had only ten minutes and the school was twenty minutes from our house. So we obviously had to run!

"1...2...3..." with that I started running holding on to his hand and dragging him along with me not looking at whom all we passed, I grabbed my breakfast that was a hot dog from the dining room and made my way towards the driveway along with Tristan. As we sat in the car, he was actually laughing at me and said "That was fun sis; I hope we get late every day if we do this, I don't really think I'll need a warm up now." He chuckled. I gave him a wide grin.

As soon as we parked the car, I hopped out to find Jessica waiting for us. I ran to her and hugged her. Tristan came and they had their make out time I just gave them a look that said 'get a room' and left them. Jessica paced towards me and came along with me to the office so that I could have my schedule.

I had English (that's only literature specifically), computer tech, history, gym, Art and math.

Jessica and I were in most of the class except for art and gym.  We went together for our English class together. Mr. Andrew teaches really well and is loved by all the students; he's actually pretty young so he gets along. Well in most of the lectures we kept introducing ourselves to everyone. The day was pretty uneventful until it was break.

From my heart to yours (Editing in progress)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora