Chapter Seven

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Lexa looked around and saw their two horses, but Clarke wasn't in her sight. She heard water splashing and her heartbeat sped up. "Clarke!" She shouted.

She rushed to the small river, that she had seen earlier and her hair was falling back in her face every time she tucked it behind her ear.

"Wait" Clarke's voice sounded. Lexa turned around and caught a glimpse of pale skin. Clarke quickly put her clothes back on and slipped in her boots.
The soft fur massaged her feet and a bit of warmth built up inside her boots.

She shivered as she picked up her coat and her arms found their way in its sleeves. The wet shirt was sticking to her body and suddenly Clarke felt like she never left the small river.

Lexa's heavy steps came closer and her mouth opened in surprise as she saw Clarke all cleaned up.

Her clothes were still dirty but the mud on her face and body had disappeared.

She took a step towards her and studied her face precisely. She was able to see every tiny scratch and a scar on her chin, which reached up to her left cheekbone.

"You can't go into the river! Not now, Clarke. It's too cold." Lexa said as she saw Clarke's slightly blue lips and wet hair.

Clarke shivered and couldn't hold back a cough.
She cleared her throat. Her mouth was dry and the itching in her throat grew worse as she ignored Lexa's concern and said "We have to leave."

Her voice was as husky as always and she coughed once more, feeling her head ache.

"Yes." Lexa agreed as she looked up at the sun, that was slowly disappearing behind mountains.

"I know a place not far from here."

"What place?" Clarke asked and looked at Lexa sideways.
Lexa gazed at Clarke and quickly looked down at the ground, avoiding Clarke's stare.

"It's save. That's all that matters." She responded cold.

Clarke shot Lexa a suspicious look and Lexa added "just trust me, Clarke."

I can't do that. She thought as she ran her hand through her blonde hair, that was slowly starting to dry.

Even though she had saved Lexa's life, she wasn't naive enough to trust her again. So for now the most she could do was to pretend.

Clarke nodded and walked towards her horse. They both climbed their horses and rode off.
Lexa took the lead and guided Clarke through the woods as darkness slowly sucked the forest in.

The night grew colder and Clarke shivered as the wind increased. Lexa turned around to face Clarke, who observed snowflakes falling out of the sky.

Lexa's hair blew in the wind and she spoke up "We have to hurry."
She hated to ruin the moment and making the amazed expression on Clarke's face disappear, but the wind had increased dangerously.

Clarke looked up and raised her eyebrows "So where is this save place, Lexa?"She gestured around and tried to make eye contact with her.

But Lexa looked ashamed to the ground, her skin looking as pale as never before.
"It's over there" she whispered, her voice edgy. She turned her head to the left and Clarke narrowed her eyes, trying to get used to the darkness.

"It's our only option, Clarke." Lexa added quickly. Clarke dismounted her horse and stepped forward. Her eyes widened in shock and for a short moment her heart forgot how to beat.

"No.. no!" She stuttered as she stumbled backwards and bumped right into Lexa, who had climbed off of her horse too.

The wind was cutting deep into their eyes and the snowflakes had turned into small pieces of ice, that felt like needles on their skin. The wind forced Clarke on her knees and tears formed in her eyes.

Bloody War Paint {"The100" Clexa} *COMPLETED*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon