Chapter Two

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Clarke felt her chest tighten with every breath she took. After a second of just standing there and staring at Lexa, whose eyes were focusing on the Queen, Clarke pulled her hood over her head and disappeared in the crowd.

As Lexa dismounted and her hand stroke the horses fur gently, the queen raised her hand, signaling the crowd to be quiet. Everyone fell silent and Clarke could hear her heavy breath mixed in with the beating of her heart and the sound of hooves scratching over the ground.

Without hesitating Lexa stepped forward and said with her penetrating voice "I came to talk."

The Queen looked at Lexa and her eyes snapped to Echo and back to Lexa "This way, Heda."

The crowd parted and as Lexa and the Queen walked past them, everyone paid their respect to the commander by putting one foot in front of the other, bending their knees slightly and saying "Heda."

The moment Lexa stepped past Clarke, Clarke did the same, while hiding her face behind her hood. She didn't dare to say a word and slowly backed up against a small hut.

Clarke observed the Queen and Lexa step in the Queen's tent as Echo walked up to Clarke.

"What's going on?" Clarke asked, her eyes not letting go of the tent. Echo stared at the Commander until she disappeared inside and mumbled "I don't know. But that's non of my concern, until the Queen decides to tell us, anyway."

Clarke snorted "I thought being the Queen's second would make you someone special."

Echo shook her head in annoyance "I'm not Nia's second."

"Nia?" Clarke knitted her eyebrows together. "Everyone has a name, sky girl. Even the Queen."

"Well how about you call me by mine?" Clarke responded failing to hide her disliking for her nickname. Echo studied Clarke skeptically and left without saying another word. Echo didn't trust her, Clarke understood that with perfect clarity and she didn't trust her either, so they were even.

But Clarke had wondered why Echo brought her to the Queen, and in her home. Clarke wasn't as vulnerable as they thought she was. It was way worse from what they thought.

Everyday that Clarke had spend in the woods her emotions got the best of her. Sometimes she would cry and drown in a sea of tears.

Some days she would run, throw herself into rivers, dive to the ground and stay there until her lungs were craving for air.

But the day after Clarke would wake up and scream at ghosts. Finn. Cage. Lexa.

And then she would remember Wells and how she treated him, and she would pity herself so much she could barely breathe.

But on her worst days she was numb. She just walked straight forward, empty and broken. Like a night sky without stars, like an angel without wings. Clarke felt nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Clarke swallowed the tears that had build up in her eyes and looked over to Echo, who was busy ordering people to get back to work. She couldn't help it and walked over to the Queen's tent. Echo had successfully kept them away from Nia and Lexa.

Clarke looked around, making sure nobody was watching her and glanced through a tiny gap in the tent. She recognized Lexa's voice immediately "I didn't come here to upset you, Nia."

Lexa moved to the left and Clarke could see her face. Her expression was dark and her face was covered in war paint as she spoke to the Queen "I came here for advice."

Clarke frowned. Never had she imagined the commander asking anybody for advice. The Queen's eyes narrowed and she asked with distrust in her voice "What do you need my advice for, Heda?"

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