Chapter 2: Mr. Rick Castle

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One week later

I miss him. After seeing that letter, I thought it would be okay, but I miss him. It takes up my entire day. I look at my desk and remember him picking me up from work on my birthday. I sleep on the couch because I can't imagine sleeping on my bed anymore. Josh was my everything for two entire years and then, suddenly, he left. For the last week, I've been drowning my sorrows in wine and my favorite novels, the Derrick Storm series.

"Detective Beckett? Please come to my office," Gates calls, waking me up from my daydream.

I stand up and walk to her door. She sits on her desk.

"Captain, do you need anything?" I ask nervously.

"Yes. We have a famous author here asking for research for his new book."

"Sir, I don't think I can help. I'm not much of a writer," I say confused. Why is Gates asking this?

"No, no," she says chuckling. "You won't be doing any writing. I promise,," she laughs again. What is going on? Is this a joke? "You, Miss Beckett, will be this man's guide. Rick! You can come in now!" She calls to a side door in her office, which probably leads to a small meeting area. The door opens and a tall, handsome man walks in the captain's office.

His blue eyes land on me and he says, "Hi detective..." He stopped, pointing at me, waiting for me to introduce myself.

"Beckett," I say a little annoyed. I notice he actually looks quite familiar. Where have I seen him before?

"Detective Beckett. Hi. My name is Richard Castle," My annoyed expression drifts away. I realize the handsome face looking at me right now is the same face I see every time I start a new Derrick Storm novel. It's Richard Castle! However, I can't give away my 'fandom' or I'll seem unprofessional, so my mouth stays shut. "I'm here for some research for my new book. I wanted your permission to be your 'partner in crime,' if you will," he finishes with a smirk.

"Uh... Partner in crime?" I ask him. I still don't understand the situation. "What is going on here?" This time I direct you to the question to my captain.

"Well, Mr. Castle is a very close friend of the mayor and I was asked personally by his, as Rick's been calling it all morning, 'golf buddy,' for a big favor which I'm willing to complete for the mayor." She says mayor with a blush. I suddenly realize she is very proud of herself for being noticed by that powerful man. "So, From now on, Rick will be joining your investigations so he can write his next novel."

Wait. What? I ask Castle to leave the room for a second. "Respectfully, I want to say that... I didn't get this job to be a babysitter," I'm irritated. Why do I get man-child duty?

"Well I got this job to get a personal visit from the mayor for a special favor, so you are doing this. Got it? Plus, it will only be a year," Gates says. She looks angry, and I understand that she's proud, but I can't work my cases with him looking over my shoulder the whole time! Whatever. I'll do it. It's not like I can just quit my job because I got a harder assignment. Plus, he's a super hot best-selling author. Stop. How did I get from man-child to super hot best-selling author? I shake those thoughts off my mind. What am I thinking? He isn't even mature.

"Fine," I say with a clearly annoyed tone in my voice and leave. This is going to be a long year.

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