Chapter Fourteen.

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Okay, not much happens in this one, its mainly Sasuhina. I promise the next chapter will be more interesting!


A year later

Sasuke was out in the front yard of Hinatas house, which he had moved into three weeks back. He was digging out a pond which the pair of them wanted in the front yard, to attract frogs and other wildlife. While he was doing this, Hinata was planting some cacti in a small sand-filled garden near the front door. Life for the pair of them had been good since Naruko left, and they knew she had left for the better, although Hinata missed her a tiny bit; she couldn’t help it. Sasuke had moved up to Jonin rank thanks to his older brother Itachi, who was an incredibly powerful ninja within Konoha. Itachi recommended Sasuke to the town’s hokage, Minato Namakazi, who was Narukos father, and he agreed with Itachis recommendation. However, this meant that sometimes Sasuke was out of town on missions for days or even weeks at a time, and Hinata missed him dearly during this time. Hinata on the other hand opened up a small store on the main street which sold medicinal herbs, home vegetables and fruit, baked goods, and various kinds of plants. She loved working there, and was great with customers, even giving each child that went in the store a free lollipop. The ninja way of life just wasn’t Hinatas ideal lifestyle, and after months of Sasuke convincing her not to try and reach jonin rank for her own safety, she agreed. Hanabi, Hinatas younger sister even agreed to work at the store when Hinata couldn’t make it in. Sasuke would often get creeped out by Hanabi, because she would flirt with him constantly, and touch his bum when she walked past him. He let Hinata know about this, and she informed her father about it, who gave Hanabi a lecture about being a classy woman and not a whore.

“Finished. Finally! Now I just have to fill this thing with water then we just have to sit and wait for the frogs and stuff to come!”, Sasuke announced, proudly rewarding himself with a can of soda. “ Well I have one more cactus to plant too! Maybe after all this is done we could go over to that nice place in mainstreet? I feel like sushi”, Hinata smiled and imagined all the different types of sushi that would soon be in her stomach. Sasuke agreed, and decided to help Hinata finish planting the last cactus so they could get to eating the sushi as quick as possible.

After the pair got dressed into some nicer clothes, they set off into Konoha, hand in hand. After navigating through the abundant crowd they reached a small sushi shop at the end of a small street, and sat down at a table for two. The shop was absolutely stunning, and had a small water feature set up in the middle of the restaurant, surrounded by beautiful bonsai plants. It wasn’t overly packed, but the chatter of customers echoed throughout the place. Soon enough a plate of delicious sushi was placed in front of them and they got down to eating a well-deserved meal. “Where would we be without this place?” Sasuke said sleepily after his fifth and final piece of sushi. “I don’t know.. Maybe we’d be starving”, Hinata answered. “We’d be missing out on the best food in town that’s for sure”, Sasuke smiled and went to grab his mug of green tea, but something caught his eye. Well more of a someone. He frowned and rolled his eyes.

“For fucks sake. Hinata shes at it AGAIN."

Across the room, Sakura Haruno ( aka the girl who’s been stalking Sasuke since forever) was eye fucking him from across the room, and licking her lips.

“I don’t know why she does that I mean its pathetic. With you right next to me too”, Sasuke fumed and banged his head on the table.

Hinata scooched her chair closer to Sasuke and smiled. “I-I have a plan”, she stuttered slightly, because she couldn’t believe what she was about to do. “What is it Hi-“; before Sasuke could finish his sentence Hinata had started kissing him incredibly hard while looking Sakura directly in the eye. Then Hinata stood up and threw money onto the table and said as loud as she could, “SASUKE TAKE ME HOME RIGHT NOW AND DO ME ON THE KICTHEN BENCH”. Sasuke started laughing because her face was priceless but he quickly shut up and went along with it. “Gosh you’re so needy fine baby”, he replied loudly and the pair started walking out of the shop, grabbing each other’s butts. Sakura bashed her hand on her table angrily and skulled three shots of vodka. Sasuke agreed her reaction was the best thing he’d seen all day.

When they exited the shop Hinata went bright red and started getting all panicky. “W-what if a member of my family was in there! What have I done! S-Shes just so annoying and I want her to go away! I mean she’s never going to get you never ever ever ever!”.  Sasuke grabbed Hinatas waist, leaned in and kissed her softly. “Hinata you’re allowed to be angry you know! I thought what you did was hilarious. I like it when you stand up for yourself. I really do. I love you so much.”

A smile crept over Hinatas face and she gave him another kiss. “I love you too Sasuke."

“Do I still get to do you on the kitchen bench like you said?”


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